A Surprise

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This is a book that I'm working on and will be published as a completed story by the end of March. The part that I'm now posting is the first chapter. The next chapter for Imperium will be posted within a few hours.

"The Exclusive Brat"


Aria Andrews has been a witness to one of the most dangerous drug dealing. One statement in the court could send the entire Thornhill foundation through hell and ultimately to rags.

Luke Thornhill is ready to destroy anything or anyone who would dare to cause harm to his business. As beautiful as Aria looks, Luke cares about nothing but his business. He has decided to not let Aria open her mouth in front of the cops or even her family and friends, even if it means that he will have to kidnap her till he ties up all loose ends.

What will Aria do now? Taken away from her life, she has no option but to stay with Luke since there's nothing that she can do. But as the saying goes, "successful people create their own options"...


"I promise you I won't tell anyone about any of this!", I shrieked for the billionth time, ready to claw the buff looking body guard's eyes.

"And why do you think we would believe you, cupcake?", this guy, who looked like he was in charge, asked with a smug look.

"Because it's none of my business", I groaned.

Even when the room that I was presently situated in was obviously the most luxurious room I've ever been in, it still didn't comfort me. Obviously, being kidnapped wasn't on my bucket list and as much as I tried, I couldn't get these people to believe me. I was, literally, kidnapped and forced to stay here because I had witnessed a drug deal between two Mafia assholes. Some precious secrets that they were scared that I would spill, like I had nothing better to do. I mean, yes people like these guys are the reason why our youth today is going through problems like addiction and all that but the much more sensible part of me knew that even if I tried, I wouldn't be able to stop these guys.

In fact, I wasn't even paying attentions until he took out his gun. And by he, I mean this extremely hot but rude, arrogant and calculative psychopath who apparently was one of the major party of the damn drug deal. Also, if they have private meetings like these out in clubs, the chances of not being noticed are slim. Basically, this dude does not have even a bit of common sense and calls himself the boss around here. And yes, I said all of that in my head because I'm scared of this guy. He roams around with a gun and wouldn't mind shooting me and the worst part is that he would get away with it, too many contacts in the police department gives him that kind of power. Damn him!

"You should've minded your own business that night then", he said as he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned on the wall.

"What do we do with her now?", the body guard asked and the second guy shrugged.

"I don't know, wait for Luke to get here", he said while he looked at my wrists that looked red because of all the pulling that I had been doing for the past 3 hours.

Luke. So he is the boss. The arrogant asshole.

"Look, just let me go. I don't want to stay here and besides I'm not even interested in telling on you people", I explained and the guy-in-charge waved me off.

I sighed before leaning back in the chair. From what I heard a few hours back, Luke was at the club, tying up all the loose ends so that he won't have the FIB and all the other agents behind him. I don't know when or how I was going to get out of here and judging by the situation right now, I don't think I'm getting out anytime soon.

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