The Bewitching Treasure

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Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

The next morning the storm was gone, along with whatever barrier there was between Elizabeth and Caspian.

"I doubt the lords stopped here, my liege," Reepicheep says from his boat as they travel to the island they found. "There's no sign of anything living."

"Right. Well, once we get ashore, take your men and search for food and water. The four of us will look for clues," Caspian orders from his position at an oar.

"Hang on, you mean the five of us," Eustace says confused causing Lucy, Elizabeth, Caspian, and Edmund to give him a 'really' look. "Come on, please don't send me back to the rat."

"I heard that," Reepicheep retorts.

"Big ears," Eustace quips.

"I heard that too," Reepicheep retorts again causing Elizabeth to giggle as Caspian smiles at her.

"Look, we're not the first ones on this island," Caspian says as they reach the top of a hill. Caspian shows them a rope that is tied to a boulder and dropped down a hole in the ground.

"The lords?" Edmund asks.

"Could be," Caspian says before grabbing a rock and dropping it in the hole. There is a flicker of gold light at the bottom. "What do you think could be down there?"

"Let's find out," Elizabeth says as she grabs the rope and starts climbing down. Edmund follows Elizabeth down before he starts looking around.

"What's that?" Caspian asks as he, Elizabeth, and Lucy walk over to Edmund.

"I don't know. Looks like some sort of gold statue," Edmund answers him before grabbing a thick vine from the wall. Edmund pokes the statue before bringing the vine out the water. The vine starts turning to gold causing Edmund to drop it because of the weight.

"He must have fallen in," Caspian says as he kneels by the water.

"Poor man," Lucy says.

"You mean, "poor lord"," Elizabeth says as she points at the man's shield.

"The crest of Lord Restimar," Caspian says as he stands beside Elizabeth to look at the shield.

"And his sword," Edmund says as he points to the sword.

"We need it," Caspian tells him.

"Be careful," Lucy says as Edmund leans over the water with Caspian's aid. Edmund uses his sword to lift the other sword out of the water. "Your sword hasn't turned to gold."

"Both the swords are magical," Elizabeth explains as Edmund hands the sword to her.

"He mustn't have known what hit him," Lucy says as she sadly looks at the Lord.

"Maybe. Or maybe he was onto something," Edmund says as he looks around.

"Ed, what are you talking about?" Elizabeth asks afraid of what her brother is thinking. Edmund grabs a shell before dunking it in the water.

"What are you staring at?" Lucy asks as Edmund picks up the now gold shell.

"Whoever has access to this pool could be the most powerful person in the world," Edmund explains causing Elizabeth and Caspian to share a worried look. "Lucy, Elizabeth, we'd be so rich. No one could tell us what to do or who to live with."

"You can't take anything out of Narnia, Edmund," Elizabeth tells him.

"Says who?" Edmund asks her.

"I do," Caspian answers him.

"I'm not your subject," Edmund says as he grabs his sword before standing to face Caspian. Lucy and Elizabeth share a worried look.

"You've been waiting for this, haven't you? To challenge me? You doubt my leadership?" Caspian questions Edmund.

"You doubt yourself," Edmund tells him as they circle each other.

"You're a child!" Caspian retorts.

"And you're a spineless sap, who can't admit his feelings," Edmund quips back.

"Edmund," Lucy says as she tries to get him to stop but he pushes her back. Elizabeth pulls Lucy to her before motioning for her to stay there.

"I'm tired of playing second fiddle. First it was Peter and now it's you! You know I'm braver than both of you. Why do you get Peter's sword? I deserve a kingdom of my own. I deserve to rule!" Edmund rants as he and Caspian continue to circle each other.

"If you think you're so brave, prove it!" Caspian taunts with a smirk before shoving Edmund back. Caspian unsheathes his sword as Edmund charges back. They parry before Elizabeth jumps between them.

"No! Stop it! Both of you!" Elizabeth yells as she stops Edmund's sword with the sword she was handed and stops Caspian's sword with one of her daggers. "Look at yourselves. Can't you see what's happening? This place has tempted you. It's bewitching you." Caspian and Edmund lower their swords.

"This is exactly what Coriakin was talking about. Let's just get out of here," Lucy says before pulling Elizabeth over to the rope. Not a single word is spoken between them as they return to the boats.

"What food did you find?" Caspian asks the crew.

"It's volcanic, your Majesty. Not much grows," Rhince explains to Caspian.

"Where's Eustace?" Lucy asks as she looks around.

"I believe he's out, not helping us load the boats," Reepicheep answers her.

"Eustace! Eustace!" Elizabeth and Lucy call as they look around.

"Edmund, I've got a bad feeling," Lucy says as Elizabeth nods in agreement.

"I'll go find him," Edmund tells her.

"I'll come with you," Caspian offers.

"Please, no more fighting each other," Elizabeth says with a small smile as Caspian hands her the lord's sword. Caspian nods with a small smile. "Be careful."

Elizabeth is waiting by the remaining boat when she sees Edmund and Caspian return in one piece. Edmund runs ahead to the boat and starts putting his things in it.

"Elizabeth! Edmund!" Caspian yells in panic causing Elizabeth to turn before she is picked up by a dragon. "Eliza!" The dragon flies out towards the ship.

"Elizabeth!" Lucy yells as she sees the dragon holding her sister.

"Lucy! Lucy!" Elizabeth yells as the dragon flies back towards the island. The dragon flies over a hill to reveal what appears to be writing in flames. 'I AM EUSTACE'

"You have got to be joking," Elizabeth says before Eustace flies back to the shore where Caspian and Edmund are.

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