Just Your Imagination

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Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Lucy?" Elizabeth asks as Lucy stumbles out of the wardrobe.

"It's all right! I'm back!" Lucy tells her before running into the hallway as Elizabeth looks after her confused. It had only been a few seconds since she sent her into the wardrobe and she's acting like it was hours. "It's all right! I'm back! I'm all right!"

"Shut up! He's coming!" Edmund says as he peeps his head out of the curtains. Elizabeth looks at the wardrobe confused before walking into the hall as Peter walks up.

"You know, I'm not sure you three have quite got the idea of this game," Peter says as he looks at them confused.

"Weren't you wondering where I was?" Lucy asks them.

"That's the point. That was why he was seeking you," Edmund answers her.

"Does this mean I win?" Susan asks as she walks up.

"I don't think Lucy wants to play anymore," Peter tells her.

"I've been gone for hours," Lucy says as she looks at them confused. Elizabeth motions for the others to follow her as Lucy starts to explain about the wardrobe. Susan reaches through the coats in the wardrobe before knocking on the back of it. Edmund knocks back from behind the wardrobe.

"Lucy, the only wood in here is the back of the wardrobe," Susan tells her.

"One game at a time, Lu. We don't all have your imagination," Peter says before he, Susan, and Edmund start walking towards the door. Elizabeth felt as if something was off about the wardrobe. It was definitely warmer in the room than when they were hiding in it.

"But I wasn't imagining!" Lucy calls after them.

"That's enough, Lucy," Susan tells her looking at Elizabeth for help.

"I wouldn't lie about this!" Lucy argues. Elizabeth did know that Lucy wasn't one to lie at all.

"Well, I believe you," Edmund says as he steps forward.

"You do?" Lucy asks confused.

"Yeah, of course. Didn't I tell you about football field in the bathroom cupboards?" Edmund answers her sarcastically.

"Will you just stop?" Peter tells him. "You just have to make everything worse, don't you?"

"It was just a joke!" Edmund defends.

"When are you gonna learn to grow up?" Peter asks him.

"Shut up! You think you're Dad, but you're not!" Edmund yells as he gets in Peter's face before running out of the room.

"Well, that was nicely handled," Susan tells Peter before walking away.

"But... it really was there," Lucy says sadly.

"Susan's right, Lucy. That's enough," Peter says before walking out of the room. Lucy looks at the wardrobe sadly before closing the door on it.

"Do you believe me?" Lucy asks Elizabeth, who kneels down to Lucy's level with a small smile.

"It doesn't matter what I believe, Lu. As long as you believe that it was there then it really was," Elizabeth answers her causing Lucy to smile before they leave the room.

That night, Elizabeth's words played over and over in Lucy's head before she got up and put on her boots. Lucy sneaks out of her room to go back to the wardrobe. Edmund happens to walk out of his room and starts to follow her. As Lucy opens the wardrobe a gust of wind blows out her candle causing her to smile before she runs inside the wardrobe.

"Lucy. Where are you?" Edmund says as he walks into the room with the wardrobe. He opens the wardrobe. "Boo!" Edmund looks around confused since he doesn't see Lucy. "Lucy. Hope you're not afraid of the dark." Edmund closes the door on the wardrobe. Edmund starts looking through the coats before he trips over a branch, landing in the snow. "Lucy, I think I believe you now."

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