The Rescue

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Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

"You all right?" Caspian asks Edmund as he wakes from being knocked out.

"Yeah," Edmund answers as Caspian goes back to kicking the cell door.

"It's hopeless. You'll never get out," A voice from within the dark part of the cell says.

"Who's there?" Edmund asks as Caspian walks towards the voice.

"Nobody. Just a voice in my head," The man behind the voice answers.

"Lord Bern?" Caspian asks as the man steps into the light.

"Perhaps once, but I'm no longer deserving of that title," Lord Bern answers causing Caspian to look at Edmund.

"Is he one of the seven?" Edmund asks Caspian, who nods.

"Your face... You remind me of a king I once loved well," Lord Bern says as Caspian kneels in front of him.

"That man was my father," Caspian tells him.

"Oh, my lord. Please forgive me," Lord Bern says as he quickly goes to bow.

"No, please. Please," Caspian says as he helps Lord Bern stand.

"No! No!" Yells can be heard from outside the cell. Edmund quickly climbs up to the window. Edmund watches as a man and a little girl chase after a wagon full of people before the wagon stops at the port. The people in the wagon are then shoved into a boat.

"Where are they taking them?" Caspian asks as he joins Edmund.

"Keep watching," Lord Bern answers him. Caspian and Edmund watch as the sky turns dark with thunder before a green mist makes its way across the water. The boat of people are covered with the green mist before the sky starts to return to its normal color. The green mist disappears leaving the boat of people no where in sight.

"What happened?" Edmund asks as he and Caspian turn to Lord Bern.

"It's a sacrifice," Lord Bern answers him.

"Where did they go?"Caspian asks.

"No one knows. The mist was first seen in the east. Reports of fishermen and sailors disappearing out at sea. We lords made a pact to find the source of the mist to destroy it. They each set sail but none came back. You see, if they don't sell you to the slave traders you're likely to be fed to the mist," Lord Bern explains causing Edmund and Caspian to share worried looks.

"We have to find my sisters before it's too late," Edmund says causing Caspian to nod in agreement as he worries about Elizabeth.

"I bid 60," A man calls as Lucy stands on the make shift stage.

"I bid 80," Another man calls.

"100 for the little lady," Another says.



"Any more bids?" Pug asks before putting a sold sign around Lucy's neck. "Sold!"

"Ah!" Lucy calls as she is carried off the stage.

"Come on, move. Move!" A guard orders as Edmund, Caspian, and Lord Bern are led from their cell.

"And now for this fine specimen who'll kick off the bidding?" Pug asks as Eustace is put in the stage. "Come on now he may not look like much but he's strong."

"Yeah, he's strong, all right. Smells like the rear end of a Minotaur!" Reepicheep says as he changes his voice.

"That is an outrageous lie! I won the school hygiene award two years running," Eustace argues causing the crowd to laugh.

"Come on, someone make a bid!" Pug says as Caspian, Edmund, and Lord Bern are led outside. Caspian takes notice of a figure on the balcony in front of them.

"I'll take them off your hands. I'll take them all off your hands!" Reepicheep announces as the figure smirks at Caspian before Caspian quickly looks to where he heard Reepicheep.

"For Narnia!" Elizabeth calls as Drinian removes his hood to reveal himself and Reepicheep. The rest of the crew removes their hoods as they begin to unsheathe their swords. A dagger embeds into the guard holding Caspian causing him to look back at the figure from before, to find that it is Elizabeth. Caspian shoves his other guard off of the balcony as Elizabeth jumps onto their balcony. Reepicheep frees Lucy of her cuffs before they join the fighting.

"Get the keys!" Edmund yells as he wraps his cuffs around his guards throat. Lord Bern quickly grabs the keys as Caspian knocks down another guard.

"Keys!" Elizabeth calls before Lord Bern tosses her the keys. She then begins to unlock Caspian's cuffs. "Didn't think I would forget about you, did you?" Elizabeth smirks at Caspian as he fights back the urge to kiss her right there. "Help my brother." Elizabeth gives Caspian the keys before grabbing a nearby rope. Elizabeth uses the rope to swing to a lower balcony, knocking the guard off of that balcony. They successfully take the island over with the help of the people. Caspian, Elizabeth, Edmund, and Lucy are leading the way back to the boats as the people of the island cheer for them.

"Your Majesty. Your Majesty!" A man calls as he runs towards them.

"Hold it!" Drinian orders as he grabs the man.

"My wife was taken just this morning," The man quickly says.

"It's all right, Drinian," Caspian orders.

"I beg you, take me with you," The man begs.

"I want to come," The little girl following him says.

"No, Gael, stay with your aunt," The man tells the girl. "I'm a fine sailor. Been on the seas my whole life." Caspian glances at Elizabeth, who gives him a small nod.

"Of course, you must," Caspian says as he pats the man's shoulder.

"Thank you," The man tells Caspian.

"But, Daddy!" Gael tries.

"Have I ever not come back?" The man asks her. Gael shakes her head no before they hug. "Now be good." Elizabeth walks over to Gael as her father quickly follows the crew.

"He'll be back, I promise," Elizabeth tells Gael with a sweet smile. "Now, little warrior, you must stay brave."

"I don't think I can," Gael says as she hangs her head.

"Of course you can because you are already so brave," Elizabeth reassures her. "You've already fought so hard to be by your fathers side. You are a brave little warrior and if you were any braver you would be a lioness like Queen Lucy." Gael smiles at Elizabeth before she glances over to Lucy, who is standing beside Edmund. Elizabeth gives Gael a hug but doesn't notice that Caspian has watched the whole interaction with a smile on his face.

"My king. My king," Lord Bern calls as he catches up to them at the port. "This was given to me by your father. I hid it safely in a cave all these years."

"That's an old Narnian sword," Edmund says as Elizabeth nods in agreement.

"It's from your Golden Age," Lord Bern says in agreement causing Elizabeth to faintly smile at the memories. "There are seven such swords, gifts from Aslan to protect Narnia. Your father entrusted them to us. Here, take it. And may it protect you."

"Thank you, my lord," Caspian says as he takes the sword. The crowd cheers causing Elizabeth to smile. "And we shall find your lost citizens." They head for the boats before Caspian stops. "Edmund." Caspian hands Edmund the sword causing Elizabeth to smile wider before Caspian helps her into the boat.

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