The Invisible Things

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Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

"It looks uninhabited. But if the lords followed the mist east, they would have stopped here," Caspian says as he looks through the spy glass at the new island they had come upon.

"Could be a trap," Drinian states.

"Or it could hold some answers," Edmund retorts. "Caspian?" Caspian glances at Elizabeth, who quickly looks away from him.

"We'll spend the night on shore. Scour the island in the morning," Caspian orders.

"Aye, your Majesty," Drinian says.

That night Elizabeth lay with Lucy and Gael as they slept.

"Seems they've brought a pig," An invisible thing says about Eustace's snoring.

"This one, it's female," Invisible thing two says as he looks at Lucy.

"So is this one," Invisible thing three says as it stands beside Gael.

"And this one," Invisible thing one says as he looks at Elizabeth.

"One of these two reads," Invisible thing two says as he flips open the book between Lucy and Elizabeth.

"Let's take them," Chief orders. Elizabeth and Lucy are awoken by an invisible force lifting them off of the ground and covering their mouths. Elizabeth and Lucy are thrown on the ground in a clearing before quickly grabbing their daggers. The daggers are knocked out of their hands and they are knocked on the ground as they try to reach for their daggers. "There is no escape."

"Well put," Invisible thing two says.

"Scary," Invisible thing three adds.

"What are you?" Lucy asks.

"We are terrifying invisible beasts," Invisible thing one answers.

"If you could see us, you would be really intimidated," Chief says.

"You forgot to mention that we are very large," Invisible thing two says.

"Well, what do you want?" Elizabeth asks them.

"You. You'll do what we ask," Chief answers.

"She will. Very clear. Well put. Yeah," The others add.

"Or what?" Elizabeth asks as she and Lucy stand.

"Or death," Chief answers her.

"Death? Death? Death? Death. Death. Death," The others chant.

"Well, we wouldn't be much use to you dead, would we?" Lucy asks them causing them to stop chanting.

"I hadn't thought of that," Chief answers her.

"No, you hadn't," Invisible thing one says.

"All right, then we'll just kill your friends," Invisible thing two says.

"Good idea," Invisible thing three says.

"What do you want with us?" Elizabeth asks as she gives up.

"You will enter the house of The Oppressor," Chief answers her.

"What house?" Lucy asks before they are pushed forward.

"This one," Chief answers before two doors are opened. "Upstairs, you'll find The Book of Incantations. Recite the spell that makes the unseen seen."

"Well put, Chief. Well put. Yeah. Yeah," The others say.

"Well, go on. We haven't got all day. Remember what will happen to your friends. You've been warned," Chief reminds the girls.

"Why don't you do it yourselves?" Lucy asks them.

"We can't read," Chief answers her.

"Can't write either, as a matter of fact. Or add," Invisible thing one explains.

"Why didn't you just say so?" Lucy asks them.

"Beware The Oppressor. He's very oppressive. What makes the unseen seen, got it? Don't forget," Chief orders before the girls walk inside with the doors closing behind them.

Caspian wakes at dawn feeling the need to talk to Elizabeth. As he stands he sees huge foot prints in the sand.

"Ed. Ed, wake up. Wake up, look," Caspian says waking the nearest person to him.

"Where's Lucy and Elizabeth?" Edmund asks as he looks around. "Lucy? Lucy!"

"Elizabeth? Elizabeth!" Caspian calls before seeing the prints leading away from camp. "Everybody up! Get up. Get up, I said!" Caspian quickly grabs his things before following the foot prints as he worries about Elizabeth. "This way!"

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