The Return Of The Lion

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Lucy is still riding through the woods in search of Aslan, as the Telemarine soldier continues to chase her. Lucy notices the horses spook before she sees something running through the woods. A lion appears with a mighty roar causing Lucy to be thrown from her horse. With a growl the lion attacks the Telemarine. As Lucy stands she sees the Telemarine running away scared.

"Aslan!" Lucy cheers as the great lion turns to face her. Lucy runs over to him, tackling him in a hug. "I knew it was you. The whole time, I knew it. Elizabeth did too, but the others didn't believe us."

"And why would that stop you and Elizabeth from coming to me?" Aslan asks her.

"I'm sorry. I was too scared to come alone," Lucy answers him. "Why wouldn't you show yourself? Why couldn't you come roaring in and save us like last time?"

"Things never happen the same way twice, dear one," Aslan explains.

"If I'd have come earlier, would everyone who died.... could I have stopped that?" Lucy asks sadly.

"We can never know what would have happened, Lucy," Aslan answers her. "But what will happen is another matter entirely."

"You mean you'll help?" Lucy asks with a smile.

"Of course," Aslan answers her. "As will you."

"Oh, I wish I was braver," Lucy tells him.

"If you were any braver, you'd be a lioness," Aslan responds. "Now, I think your friends have slept long enough, don't you?" Aslan lets out a mighty roar.

Elizabeth sees Trumpkin get knocked to the ground as she takes out a soldier. She quickly grabs a dagger before throwing it at the soldier standing above Trumpkin. Elizabeth goes back to fighting before seeing Caspian fighting two soldiers.

"Caspian!" Elizabeth yells in fear as she sees Caspian knocked into the hole. The Telemarine General goes to attack Caspian but stops upon seeing who it is. Elizabeth jumps into the hole beside Caspian as the General lowers his weapon. A tree root then comes out of the Earth before grabbing the General and knocking him out. Elizabeth helps Caspian up as he looks around confused.

"Lucy," Elizabeth tells him with a smile before Peter helps her and Caspian out of the hole. Trumpkin hands Elizabeth back her dagger as Caspian looks around at the moving trees in wonder. Elizabeth and her siblings share a smile as the Telemarines begin to retreat.

"For Aslan!" Peter yells before they charge after the retreating Telemarines.

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