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Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Elizabeth and Edmund stop in front of a huge rock as they had continued looking around.

"Catapults," Edmund states as the others walk over. "This didn't just happen. Cair Paravel was attacked." Peter walks over to a wall before pushing it to the side to reveal a secret door. Peter opens the door before tearing his shirt and wrapping it around a stick.

"I don't suppose you have any matches do you?" Peter asks Edmund, seeing how he still had his bag.

"No, but would this help?" Edmund asks back as he pulls out a flashlight.

"You might have mentioned that a bit sooner," Peter tells him before Edmund leads the way down the stairs.

"I can't believe it," Peter says as they reach the bottom to find their trunks and statues.

"It's all still here," Elizabeth adds as Lucy rushes over to her trunk.

"I was so tall," Lucy says as she holds up one of her old dresses.

"Well, you were older then," Susan tells her with a smile.

"As opposed to a hundred years later, when you're younger," Edmund quips as he turns to them with too big of a helmet on. Elizabeth giggles before turning to search for her whistle, having found her daggers and sword.

"What is it?" Lucy asks as Susan digs through her trunk.

"My horn. I must have left it on my saddle the day we went back," Susan answers her.

"The same with my whistle," Elizabeth adds as she gives up her search. Peter walks over to his chest before opening it, then pulling out his sword and unsheathing it.

"When Aslan bares his breath, winter meets its death," Peter says the words that a inscribed on the sword.

"And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again," Elizabeth finishes as she grabs her sword.

"Everyone we knew, Mr. Tumnus and the beavers, they're all gone," Lucy says sadly before Elizabeth pulls her into a hug.

"I think it's time we find out what's going on," Peter states as Elizabeth nods in agreement. They change into Narnian clothing before returning to the beach, where they start to follow the river.

As they reach the river, they find two soldiers holding a tied up dwarf. Susan quickly shoots an arrow into the side of the boat, getting their attention.

"Drop him," Susan orders as she notches another arrow. Peter, Elizabeth, and Edmund quickly unsheathe their swords before the soldiers drop the dwarf in the water. Elizabeth quickly drops her sword as she runs for the water, while Susan shoots one of the soldiers and the other jumps into the water. Elizabeth jumps into the water with Peter and Edmund quickly following. Elizabeth quickly pulls the dwarf to shore, while Peter and Edmund pull the boat to shore. Lucy quickly cuts the dwarf's hands free before he removes the gag and spits out water.

"Drop him?" The dwarf asks sarcastically as he stands. "That's the best you could come up with?"

"A simple thank you would suffice," Susan retorts.

"They were doing just fine drowning me without your help," The dwarf argues.

"Maybe we should have let them," Peter quips as Elizabeth glares slightly at the dwarf.

"Why were they trying to kill you anyway?" Lucy asks the dwarf.

"They're Telemarines, that's what they do," The dwarf answers her as if it were normal.

"Telemarines? In Narnia?" Edmund questions.

"Where have you been for the last few hundred years?" The dwarf asks back.

"It's such a long story," Lucy answers him with a smile, while Susan hands Peter and Elizabeth their swords.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," The dwarf states as he looks at them in shock. "You're it? You're the Kings and Queens of old?"

"High King Peter, the magnificent," Peter introduces as he holds out his hand to shake.

"You probably could have left out the last bit," Elizabeth states with a smirk.

"Probably," The dwarf agrees with a chuckle.

"You might be surprised," Peter says as he unsheathes his sword.

"Oh, you don't want to do that boy," The dwarf tells him.

"Not me. Him," Peter says as he looks a Edmund, who then unsheathes his sword. Peter then hands his sword to the dwarf. When the dwarf grabs the sword, he lets it drop to the ground as if it were heavy before grabbing it with both hands. Edmund shares a look with the others. The dwarf then swings the sword knocking Edmund's out of his way before hitting Edmund in the face with the hilt of the sword.

"Edmund!" Lucy calls out as she grabs Elizabeth's hand.

"You all right?" The dwarf asks sarcastically. The dwarf then swings again but Edmund dodges and gets behind the dwarf before hitting him in the butt with the flat of his sword making the others laugh. The dwarf swings again and Edmund ducks. Again the dwarf swings and Edmund jumps over it. Edmund then makes some quick attacks before knocking the sword out of the dwarf's hand. The dwarf's jaw drops in shock, before dropping to his knees.

"Beards and bedsteads!" Trumpkin says as he looks at the siblings. "Maybe that whistle worked after all."

"What whistle?" Elizabeth asks.

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