Across The Melting River

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"Now, Aslan's camp is near the Stone Table just across the frozen river," Mr. Beaver explains as they look out across the land where the sun is rising.

"River?" Peter asks worriedly.

"The river's been frozen solid for a hundred years," Mrs. Beaver tells him.

"It's so far," Elizabeth says in amazement.

"It's the world, dear. Did you expect it to be small?" Mrs. Beaver asks.

"Smaller," Susan says sarcastically causing Elizabeth to slightly glare at her. Elizabeth had only been in Narnia for a short while, but she had already fallen in love with it.

"Come on, humans! While we're still young," Mr. Beaver says as he leads the way. Elizabeth is behind everyone, keeping a watchful eye on Lucy to make sure she doesn't fall too far behind.

"If he tells us to hurry one more time, I'm gonna turn him into a big, fluffy hat," Peter says before letting Lucy climb on his back causing Elizabeth to smile.

"Hurry up! Come on!" Mr. Beaver calls frantically.

"He is getting a little bossy," Lucy says causing Elizabeth to giggle.

"Behind you! It's her! Run! Run!" Mrs. Beaver yells causing the Pevensies to look behind them to find a sleigh racing towards them.

"Run!" Peter yells as he sets Lucy down, he and Elizabeth grabbing her hands. They quickly run into the forest.

"Inside! Dive! Dive! Quick! Quick, quick, quick!" Mr. Beaver orders as they quickly duck into a small cave. They hear the sleigh stop before a shadow appears above them. After a moment the shadow disappears.

"Maybe she's gone," Lucy whispers when they hear nothing.

"I suppose I'll go look," Elizabeth says going to get up.

"No! You're worth nothing to Narnia dead," Mr. Beaver quickly tells her.

"Well, neither are you, Beaver," Mrs. Beaver tells him.

"Thanks, sweetheart," Mr. Beaver says before he goes to look. Elizabeth holds Mrs. Beaver's paw while that wait on Mr. Beaver.

"Come out! Come out!" Mr. Beaver says as he ducks his head in causing Lucy to scream. "I hope you've all been good cause there's someone here to see you!" Elizabeth grabs Lucy's hand before leading the way up. Elizabeth stops in amazement as she sees a man in a red suit and a white beard. The man chuckles as the others stop beside Elizabeth in amazement.

"Merry Christmas, sir," Lucy says as she walks forward.

"It certainly is, Lucy, since you have arrived," Mr. Christmas tells her.

"Look, I've put up with a lot since I got here, but this..." Susan says as she turns to Peter and Elizabeth.

"We thought you were the Witch," Elizabeth says cutting her off as she stands beside Lucy.

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