Author's Note

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Well, that's the end. I hope you've enjoyed all the stories.
I just really want to say thank you so much to all of you guys who have been reading, voting, commenting and supporting me non stop through the series and I have had so much fun writing it. I am just overjoyed that people like this, and I am overly thankful to you all.
Sorry that it took forever for the ending, but I hope it was worth waiting for. Probably not what was expected, but hey, surprise! I hope. Exams are currently over so I am looking forward to having more writing time!

Right now I am officially ending this, but I can write some bonus chapters if I have the time and ideas for it. If you have an idea for a bonus chapter, leave a comment and I'll try and write it for you.
If you would like to be notified if I publish a bonus chapter, just comment something like; "please notify me" below and I'll reply when I publish a bonus chapter.
If you just like the idea of bonus chapters just smash the vote button (I'm kidding! You probably don't like the idea that much) just hey, if you enjoyed the whole series just vote and comment. I'll probably start crying tears of joy sooner or later.

Well, it's goodbye for now! Hope you enjoy my other works, because I am now working on White Valar and I am getting Sam to write more I Slapped the Elven King.
Hope you've enjoyed seeing Leggi grow up.

Ps. I hit 25,000 words exactly for this series! Holy cow! A quarter of a novel!

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