Greenwood No Longer - Part One

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There was once a terrible night when Legolas was fourteen, it was a night no elf would be able to forget.

It was just past dinner time and Legolas went up to his room to play with his friend Alëa, the daughter of Narathlad. The two little elves sat in the middle of the room in silence.

'So,' Legolas said awkwardly, 'Do you wanna play with my new bow?' Alëa was younger than Legolas and had never used a bow before so the answer was obviously a very exited scream of 'Yes!'

Legolas leapt up and grabbed his bow and a few arrows and dragged Alëa to the balcony.

'Ada always tells me I shouldn't even have a bow, let alone target on the balcony!' Legolas giggled to his friend.

He gave the bow to Alëa and showed her how to hold it.

'So you hold it like this with your hand around here,' Legolas gestured, 'Then you get an arrow and you clip it on here and make sure that feather is on the other side,' he corrected.

'Mh Hm,' Alëa mumbled.

'Then you pull back to your cheek, aim it at the target and let go when you think your going to hit the target,' he summed up.

Alëa slowly pulled back with a shaking hand, as the bow had a heavy pullback. She almost got to her cheek when she started to wobble. Legolas quickly steadied her and their faces were very close, they smiled and both looked at the target. Legolas pushed her aim up higher.

'Whenever your ready,' he smiled. Alëa sharpened her gaze and let the arrow loose. It whooshed past her face and smacked into the target, close to the centre. Alëa cheered and jumped up and down filled with joy.

'I did it, I did it!' She shrieked. Legolas gave her a quick hug and went to retrieve the arrow. Something in the forest outside caught his keen blue eyes. A guard.

He snapped to attention and quickly looked down on the poor panicked elf sprinting towards the gate. Something was up and Legolas could feel it.

Suddenly from the distance, he heard a horn. It was the ugliest, loudest thing he had ever heard, but he knew it meant danger.

'Legolas,' Alëa whispered, standing frozen stiff with fear, 'what's going on?' Legolas turned and saw the fear in her eyes.

'I don't know, but I know we have to go to my Ada,' he said hurriedly. He quickly grabbed Alëa and dragged her down towards the hall. On the way he bumped into his father.

'Ada, what's going on?' Legolas shouted. Thranduil was beyond flustered, he was panicked and Legolas knew he was afraid.

'They are coming,' He stated quickly.

'Who is coming?' Legolas asked.

'Orcs,' Thranduil spat, like the word was a bad taste in his mouth.

Legolas froze. He had never seen an Orc, but he knew that they were bad and could do bad things.

'Legolas, go to your mother, now,' Thranduil shouted whilst rushing towards the armoury. Legolas obeyed and ran to his mother, still clutching onto Alëa's hand. They ran through the halls, dodging panicked elves left right and centre.

'Nana! What's going on? Where do we have to go?' Legolas shouted over the mass of shouts and running.

'We have to go now, get your bow,' she shouted. Legolas obeyed and ran back up to his room, leaving Alëa to his mother. He threw open the door, grabbed his bow, a quiver full of arrows and slipped on a leather tunic. He also grabbed a bag and tossed in some of his important things. He bolted to his mother and fathers room and grabbed his mothers sword, in his panic he accidentally knocked over a vase and he shrieked as he thought it was an Orc. He quickly grabbed anything his mother or father would like to be saved.

He then sprinted back down to the hall where his mother and Alëa's mother were.

'Nana, here,' Legolas tossed the sword to his mother. Alëa's mother was worried sick, as was Legolas' mother, both were thinking about Thranduil and Narathlad. Alëa's eyes would not blink, she was scared out of her skin, nothing like this had ever happened to her.

As for Legolas, he knew that his mother would protect him and he would protect Aliel- Alëa's mother- and her daughter.

Everything seemed a blur, panicked rushing elves. Oropher standing above the crowd in his glinting armour, barking out orders. Legolas could hear Orcs, but there was another type of creature out there. One that was even more dangerous.

'Legolas,' Culthien called, 'We have to lead the children and the Elleths that are not going to battle out the back entrance to the fortress. Ok?'

Legolas nodded back and Culthien called for all children and Elleths to come and follow her to the fortress. Many of the Elleths had swords, but has chosen not to battle because they had children. Some of the children were older than Legolas and had weapons from the old armoury, but Legolas knew that only a select few knew how to fight, so they had to be quick.

The little elf only looked three or four years old, his big blue eyes were filled with worry and fear, his small body trembled with worry, but he held himself proudly and gripped his bow tightly.

It's going to be ok. He reassured himself. The line of the escapees was slowly growing as they grouped together.

'Stay on watch! Be prepared and protect each other!' Culthien called. She and Legolas quickly lead the group out of the back entrance north, towards the fortress.

'Nana,' Legolas asked, 'Are we going to die?' He said fretfully.

'No, but stay safe, the Orcs are coming close and the scouts say that they are many in number. But our troops are better so they should not be able to reach the halls,' Culthien told him. All elves being lead to the fortress had their weapons drawn and were quiet and alert.

Back in the halls, the elves were preparing, every weapon in the first armoury was being used. Elves were carrying up to two or three swords or daggers, multiple quivers stuffed with arrows, regulation Greenwood armour, the strongest and lightest of all. They all had daggers in their boots, not caring how heavy they got because they would be fuelled by their spirit and need to protect their kingdom.

The scouts had told Oropher that there were about ten thousand orcs and three thousand giant horidious spiders on their way. Thirteen thousand versus two thousand... It was not looking good for the elves of Greenwood.

The orcs were coming in from the south west and the spiders were coming in through the south. Luckily there were none planning to attack from the north. The elves could see far out in the distance that the orcs were closing in.

'Ellons and Elleths! I call for you all to protect your kingdom, protect your friends and siblings. Stand in arms and stay together. Never break or give up! This is our home and it will not be taken from us from these vile creatures. Stand now and I will lead you!' Oropher raised his sword and so did Thranduil, who was standing just below him.

Oropher decided that he would lead the first half of their army towards the orcs while the other half set up traps and defences until the first party retreats.

'Everything should go according to plan,' Thanduil stated. Oropher was staring out the window.

'Our losses will be great. Too great and I know many will die,' Oropher fretted the loss of his kin, he knew he was outnumbered and had no other option than to fight.

Their night was only just beginning.

-My week has been absolutely awful and busy, so I have to split this into two parts because I just cannot get this chapter done.

I'm really sorry if you guys were looking forward to a full chapter at least this week, so I am really sorry.

Comment and vote if you want more, maybe if you a are completely crazy about this I might find some time to publish the other half earlier.

But just thank you for reading and sticking with me!

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