A New Mother?

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As Legolas grew up, Thranduil was constantly drunk and hungover. But somehow managed to keep his rule over the kingdom by the skin of his teeth. Legolas was verbally abused whenever Thranduil was drunk, and was given the cold shoulder when he was sober.
There was no way to win.
Attempted heart to heart talks were tossed out the window after the twenty eighth attempt when he was locked out of the chambers. He had no one to care for him. It was just Thranduil in and out of his moods, angry one minute, crying and sobbing the next.
Culthien's death had rocked Thranduil to his core.


There was one particular night that neither Legolas or Thranduil would ever be able to forget. There was nothing but regret and anger to follow what happened.

It was autumn, Thranduil's favourite season, and the leaves were crisp and bright as they met with the earth one by one. His right hand man organised a party of modest size amongst the blazing trees. There would be food, wine and everything else an elf could think of.
In the late afternoon, Thranduil managed to drag himself out of bed and get ready for the party. He ignored Legolas, who was sitting at the kitchen bench, who made a small remark about how late he slept in.
The little elf was not so little anymore, he was almost fifty and looked like a strong little ten year old in the eyes of men. His shoulders were beginning to broaden slightly and his voice was only slightly deeper, but the real difference between forty year old Legolas and the almost fifty year old Legolas was that there was a permanent grimness worn into his young face.
'Can I come to the party tonight?' Legolas asked blandly, switching his gaze to Thranduil who was rummaging around for a late breakfast.
'No, you may not,' he replied as he plucked some sourdough from the cupboard.
'How come?' Legolas questioned plainly, trying not to sound like a whinging child.
'Because, I said. There will be alcohol and no one for you to play with,' He said quickly, while buttering his bread.
'Ada, I don't play anymore,' he remarked. 'Anyway, anything' setter than just sitting around doing nothing like every other day.'
'Legolas, I don't care. Just go do what you want,' He huffed tiredly, dismissing Legolas while biting into the bread and turning away.
Legolas groaned and walked out of the chambers.
'I wish Nana was still here...' He whispered to himself as he slowly walked down the hall. 'She's at least care... Why did she have to drown?' He mumbled to himself.
'I wish she was here,' he mumbled over and over while he trudged blindly with tears forming in his eyes to his tree outside.


Thranduil finished preparing for the party and at six thirty-five, he went down to the hall where it would take place. He always liked to be five minutes late, it took the attention away from him and he felt more comfortable if everyone else was already chatting and eating and drinking.
But little did he know, there was an uninvited guest who was about to ruin, not only his night, but most of his life.
There were about fifty or so other elves in the room when he arrived. A few well known faces looked away from their conversations towards Thranduil and a few greeted him within two minutes.
He sat down at one of the lounged and poured himself a chalice of wine. He smelled it and swirled it around. He knew all of the wine in Mirkwood was good, but he was trying to see if it was the best. He sipped and to his surprise, it was pretty good. Not too sweet, not too bitter, but it was an amazing burst of flavour in his mouth and it warmed his belly.
He felt like the sides of his mouth were almost twitching into a straight line, or even a curved one. He brushed the thought away when he saw an elf watching him from a distance.
She was tall, slender, curved in all the places he liked and she was beautiful with dark hair and bright blue eyes. He darted his eyes away and drank the rest of the wine in his chalice. He poured another and another in between full conversations with other guests, including a couple of high guards from Lórien and a lonely soul from Rivendell.
After about thirty or so glasses, a little haze clouded Thranduil. He was well and truly drunk and not himself at all.
The young elf that he saw from across the room had shifted places to the left. Soon, Thranduil was staring at her with an almost goofy smile. It grabbed her attention, causing her to slowly walk over to him.
'Greetings my King,' The elf smiled in a deep flowing voice.
'Greetings,' He smiled back and gestured slightly for her to sit down. 'What is your name?'
'I am called Keanatrith, but others call me Trith,' She said, pouring herself and Thranduil a cup of wine. She took a long drink and put the cup down smiling. 'The rumours are true,' She smirked.
'What rumours?' He inquired.
Trith bit her bottom lip and smiled. 'That the wine made in Mirkwood is simply the best, once it has been drunk, you'll never go back to any other wine.'
Thranduil gave a short sighing laugh. 'You are too kind, Trith.'
There came an awkward silence over the two of them as they tuned into the rest of the room. Many elves were chatting with others, drinking the fine wine and picking things off platters. It was mostly uneventful for those few moments.
The silence was then broken by Thranduil when he burped. Trith laughed.
'I guess I haven't had as many drinks as you,' She said playfully.
Thranduil gave her a goofy smile, as if to say "yeah".
'How about a drinking contest?' She said slowly.
Thranduil sat back and smirked, practically gesturing in agreement.
Together they drank and drank till the room spun and and they couldn't hold in anymore of the sweet liquid. They continued drinking even until the party ended and a few elves were wondering across the room. Between fragments of conversations and drinks, there was something that felt weird between Thranduil and Trith.
They gave up on drinking, seeming that there was no winner, but Thranduil was out of character with so much alcohol in his system. Trith stood up and wobbled a little, then grabbed Thranduil and stood him up. They both laughed for no reason and then Trith took advantage.
'Its getting boring here, how about we go have some fun?' She smirked with a wicked idea growing in her eyes.
'Sure, whatever you want,' Thranduil laughed and then hiccuped.
Trith led Thranduil upstairs. She had never been to the King's chambers, but she knew where they were. Thranduil stumbled while Trith's feet wandered along the floor. Thranduil even started to sing-well...mumble and slur- a song.
'Hoo, doodey,
My cat's gone looney.
Hurdey gurdey,
Goat turdey.
Wee haah,
La la la.'
To Trith, it only sounded like a bunch of sounds and she laughed.
'Is that even a real song?'
Thranduil took a while to answer, but when he finally did, Trith was already opening the door to his chambers. 'No. I just felt like singing... So I made it up.' He looked up at her a smiled as he said it.
She laughed and he smiled. For the first time since Culthien's death, he felt a little glimmer of happiness deep down inside of him.
Trith stared at the inside of his chambers. It was a little messy inside where Thranduil usually stayed, there were several wine bottles on the ground and stacked up on tables and it looked even more miserable as the moon casted long grey shadows through the room. She felt a little guilty for what she was going to do, but then she remembered that other feeling that was crawling over her skin.
She led him to the bedroom in the moonlight and then threw him into the bed. Thranduil made a little gasping noise as he was thrown, but recovered with some drunk laughter.
'Easy there,' He said, propping himself up with his hands behind him.
'I'm not here to take it easy,' Trith whispered in her deep voice. Thranduil's judgement was completely impaired, but he also couldn't understand what she meant. She strode towards Thranduil, pushed him onto the bed and laid herself on top of him.
'What are you-'
'Shh.' She pressed her face onto his and kissed him hard. Harder than he had ever kissed before. Thranduil's drunk and spinning world disappeared around him as he kissed her back.
Not long after, clothes were strewn around the floor and the bedroom refused to stay silent.


Legolas woke slowly as a little bug tickled his nose. As his eyes opened, he was greeted by a still, moonlit forest. It was late and Legolas should have been back in his chambers several hours ago, but he had accidentally fallen asleep in his tree.
He slipped out of the tree and silently made his way back to the front gate. But to his surprise, it was locked. He muttered something under his breath about the guards being stupid and then snuck to the courtyard below his balcony.
The sound of the rushing stream danced in his ears as he crept to the courtyard and scaled the wall to his balcony. Thank Eru Oropher had taught him to scale the walls of the halls. After slipping only once, Legolas came to his balcony and stealthily slid into his room.
Taking a deep breath, he decided to check Thranduil's room to see if he was sleeping or out drinking. Upon opening the door, he found not one body sleeping in the bed, but two. Thranduil was wrapped around someone and Legolas couldn't see the figure's face.
'Nana?' He whispered. Had his mother's death just been a dream all this time? He felt the excitement dance in his feet and quickly rise up.
'Nana,' He whispered sharply with a smile. He almost ran to the bed but stopped when the other figure in the bed lifted it's head up and screamed. Thranduil jerked up and Legolas jumped back. Thranduil fumbled for the bedside lamp and turned it on.
The room slowly illuminated revealing a scared little elf, a naked woman and a king, grasping for his robes.
'Ada...' Legolas' voice wobbled. 'I-I-I can't believe it. I can't believe you would do this.'
Thranduil grabbed his robe and tried to cover himself. 'Legolas, it's not what it looks like!'
'I can't believe you would do this to me. And I especially, didn't think you would ever do this to Nana!' He shouted. But before Thranduil could reach out and grab him, Legolas turned away and slammed the door, retreating to his room.
'You never told me you had a son,' Trith said darkly as she picked up her clothes.
'Oh my...' Thranduil trailed of into a train of swear words.
'I'm going to go disappear...' Trith whispered carefully as she tiptoed out of the room.
'What have I done?' Thranduil said as he sat down on the bed with his hands in his head.

Trith disappeared after that. She grabbed her clothes and ran into the forest, only returning to leave Thranduil a note.
'I'd do it all again if you didn't have a son.' Her note said. Thranduil tore it apart and wished either he or she was dead. And like a ghost, she was gone forever.


In he next two thousand years, the relationship between Legolas and Thranduil grew icy and distant. They barely spoke to each other, and when they did, the words were like whips and lacked basic respect.
Legolas was too mad to talk to Thranduil and Thranduil was too wrapped up in another layer of guilt and alcohol to acknowledge Legolas.
Legolas grew distant from Thranduil as he got older. The icy dislike for his father lingered and his childhood grew no more.
It was just distant memory now.

- Alright! The sadness ends here! This is the last LITTLE Legolas story. Next week (hopefully) I will publish the ending, which I guess will be a-
Sorry, can't tell you. 😝
Hope you enjoyed/liked/thought it was good quality reading/I dunno, felt something... Because no one should enjoy seeing others' pain...
But yeah, hope you leave some votes and comments for me (I especially love the comments) and I shall give you the ending next week ;)

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