Greenwood No Longer- Part Two

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I did promise another chapter before Monday so I guess two hours before Monday will be ok...
Here it is


Legolas could hear footsteps that didn't belong to elves. Orcs. They were closing in faster than expected and some knew about the north fortress. They would have to fight the orcs. They knew it in their hearts that someone would die. But little did they know, many of them would die.
'Nana, I can hear them,' Legolas said, looking up to his mother.
'Its ok, its ok, I will protect you and everyone else,' she reassured him. The elves behind Legolas had their backs to each other, scanning every inch for hidden movement, ears alert, weapons raised. They slowly crept through the forest toward the fortress.
Legolas could hear his heartbeat in his ears, it was so deathly silent. Legolas pulled an arrow from his quiver and shakily nocked the arrow. He looked up at his mother with worried eyes, he had never been more scared in his life. He gulped and looked around.
From a distance, he could hear heavy footsteps.
'Ennas!' *there!* An elf called and seven arrows made their way in front of Legolas to an Orc hidden up ahead in a tree, it screeched, then fell to the ground with a sickening thump.
Legolas gasped, he knew the orcs were onto them. The group started to run faster and small elflings were staring to weep and the mothers drew swords and bows, the older elf children raised their swords and drew bows as well.
'Alëa?' Legolas asked. The little elf looked up at him with eyes wide with fear and worry. She nodded timidly. 'Do you want a knife?' She nodded her head hurriedly. Legolas handed her a knife from his belt. She took it cautiously and gulped. She turned away to her mother and she looked down to her as if to say, just in case.
Before the elves knew it, the orcs had assembled and were coming towards them. All of them heard and quickly turned towards the racket, drew their weapons and looked to Culthien.
'North, quick!' She urged the elves. They quickly took off and made their way swiftly.
But it wasn't long until Legolas could hear the terrifying cries of the orcs and his heart froze with fear. The orcs may have already killed all of their family, everyone and now they were going to kill everyone else.
The mothers pushed their children behind them, drew their swords and bows. They stayed deathly still. All that could be heard was the heavy breathing of the young elves and the orcs approaching closer. The moon gave off cold and hideous light accompanied with the eerie vibe of unwelcome terror.
The orcs approached closer and closer, footsteps louder. The heartbeats of the elves grew quicker as their grip on their weapons tightened. From behind Culthien and Aliel, Legolas and Alëa huddled together and peeped out from the gaps, watching for orcs.
A studded whoosh filled the air as one of the mothers shot an approaching Orc in the distance. An ugly sound pulsed as an Orc horn blew. There were about a thousand orcs ready to kill, and only two hundred mothers and children. The sheer number of the grotesque figures was overpowering, but they we unskilled and could be killed by children.
'Quick, Legolas and Alëa, lead the younger children to the fortress. You are much too young to stay here.' His mother urged him.
'No, Nana! I am staying with you!' Legolas cried.
'No, just go now,' Legolas was still but he nodded his head.
'Quickly, all young children, this way!' He shouted holding up his bow. All of the little elves rushed towards Legolas and Alëa. Most of them had a dagger just in case. 'Now follow me and stay together.
The dark sea flowed towards the elves as all archers let arrows fly through the trees and home into their targets. Many orcs fell dead and Legolas told all of the children to shoot as well before he left. At least one hundred and fifty orcs were met with arrows. The ground was already littered with their corpses.
All elves drew their swords and formed two rows with the older children behind. They met with the orcs and loud sounds of clashing metal pierced through the forest. Legolas looked back to see so many mothers protecting their children. But then he saw something, he saw Ellayan's mother struck down by and orc sword, she screamed and blood seeped from her wounds. Legolas stopped, he could feel the anger crawling up into his face. He tightened his grip on his bow.
'How dare they,' He whispered angrily to himself.
'Legolas, don't,' Alëa pulled back on his sleeve.
'I have to,' He urged her, 'Lead them, you know where to go, I can't leave my Nana!' He turned back towards Alëa and gave her "the look", she understood. Legolas was a great fighter and he loved his Nana.
'Come back,' she said with tears gleaming in her big eyes.
'I will,' he turned and ran toward the deafening fighting as he got closer he could see that there were three mothers on the ground and two of the older children.
Nellias, Cetiel and Tarin, the mothers. Legolas knew them. Nellias had a child, her name was Eladrien. Cetiel had two children, Galaborn and Alarien. And Tarin had two twins, one of them was holding her body and the other was lifelessly flopped over his mother, Reyan was dead. Legolas had spent a few weeks getting to know the twins, they were twenty years older than him. Now Rehidan didn't have a brother or a mother. The other child that was dead was Belian. Legolas had seen her before but never spoken to her.
The bodies were covered in blood and it seemed that the others were holding off the orcs and there were probably about five hundred orcs left. Legolas ran toward the commotion and loaded an arrow. He was shaking and his breathing was quickening.
He let go of the arrow and it hit an Orc in the chest. It screamed then fell.
'Nana!' He shouted, grabbing out his daggers. Another Orc came towards him. It swung its sword at his head, but he ducked. He then went forward and jumped up to stick his blade into its chest. It gasped to see that such a little elf could have killed him this easily. He pushed the vile creature away and it slumped down to the ground.
Tears gleamed in Legolas' eyes. He never thought he could do this, and he never thought people he knew would die. As he came closer to the front line, he killed more orcs but saw more bodies. Twenty more elves, all of whom he knew. Another ten elves, mothers clutching their dead children, children holding their dead mothers. Mothers and children dead together.
Anger boiled inside of Legolas. He climbed a tree and saw eight other children older than him shooting orcs down from the trees.
The tree he came to had Teren sitting in it. He was out of arrows and he had scratches all over his arms and body. He was twenty three years older than Legolas.
'Are you ok?' Legolas tried to ask over the shouts.
'No, my Nana is dead,' he replied with tears gleaming in his eyes. Legolas' heart dropped down to his feet. He leaned over to comfort Teren.
'I don't know where my Nana is, can you help me find her?' Legolas asked, his voice shaking. He leaned back and pulled a few arrows out of his quiver and handed them to Teren he took them and placed them in his quiver and they both loaded an arrow. They scanned the ground and saw that some of the orcs were starting to sneak around the elves and kill them from behind.
Teren and Legolas shot many orcs, but did not find Culthien. Legolas became worried. Was his mother alive or buried in a pile or rotten Orc corpses? Then Legolas spotted a glimpse of white hair.
'Teren! There she is!' He shouted and pointed to his mother. Only a minute had passed since he climbed the tree, but it seemed much shorter. The two elves quickly leapt from tree to tree to get to Culthien. As soon as they were over her, they saw how horrible battle could get.
Her hair was a mess, she was covered in cuts and dirt. She was fighting the orcs off, pushing them back with the shield she had picked up before. At her side was Aliel and some other mothers and children Legolas knew. They were pushing the orcs back fiercely, but Legolas could see the same fear in all of their eyes. Just as Legolas and Teren were about to shoot some orcs, one of the foul creatures flung itself over the barrier and it's sword landed in Aliel's chest. She gave a scream as Culthien quickly stuck her sword in its back as it died instantly. Culthien dropped to her knees at Aliel's side in despair. The other elves quickly filled the gap, fuelled by the anger they felt due to Aliel's death. Legolas dropped from the tree and came to his mother's side.
'Legolas? What are you doing here?!' She shouted to him while pulling him toward her.
'Le...go...las?' Aliel managed between her last breaths. Her chest was oozing with blood. Legolas began to weep. His best friends mother was dying, and there was nothing he could to about it. Aliel reached out with a shaking hand and pulled Legolas in closer.
'T-t-t-ak-ke... C-c-care... O-of h-her...' She whispered to him.
'I promise,' he cried into her cheek. Culthien pulled him towards her chest as she hugged Legolas and cradled her best friends head in her lap. Tears and weeping were the only things blocking out the noise of the fighting.
'Nana, we have to get to Alëa, the orcs are about to get around them,' Legolas gestured to the elves who were still holding off the orcs, but another ten bodies had met the ground. One of the chamber maids was dead. Legolas really liked it when she played with him...
More and more anger coursed through Legolas' veins. He had never hated anything so much in his life. Orcs.
Legolas stuck to his promise and dragged his mother away to go find Alëa. He found them within a few minutes of panicked sprinting.
'Alëa!' He called. Just when Legolas thought everything would be ok, a spear flew into Alëa's stomach. She froze and then looked down, she wobbled and then fell to the ground, clutching her wound.
'ALËA!' Legolas screamed in terror, quickly shooting that bastard Orc and racing towards her. He caught her head in his little hands and he turned her over to face him. Her eyes were filling with tears, but she bit down hard on her lip attempting to mask the pain. She gripped Legolas' arm tightly.
'Alëa, I'm so sorry! This is all my fault! I went to get my mother and then you mother died, but I promised her I'd take care of you, but now it's all my fault!' He cried hysterically onto her forehead.
'Legolas?' She asked shakily, 'You've done more than... Take care of me...' She smiled weakly.
'No it's all my fault and I'm sorry!' He cried, 'I just wish that it was me instead of you...'
'Leg?' She asked again, her voice fading and becoming more and more shakier. 'Will you sing to me?' Shocked by her last request, he sat straight up. He saw his mother watching him, knowing that there was nothing they could do, but help and protect the others.
'Under the beech trees,
Look out and see.
A meadow of rainbows,
A day for you and I.
Under the willow,
Look out and see,
A horse is there,
Just for you and for me.
Under the bright sky...'
Legolas began to sniff and panic, his best friend was about to die. He couldn't let her go.
'Keep... going,' she told him, now shaking and growing pale. But her smile didn't die.
'Under the bright sky,
Look out and see.
A sun for the day,
To play in the light.
Under the moon,
Look out and see.
There's another star in the sky,
I see you laying by me,
But your are not there.
Your up with the sky,
Away from me.
I'll see you once more,
My lovely little Lë.'
He finished, drenched in tears. It was the first song he had ever made up, and he taught it to her when they were young. Alëa's body was pale and lifeless, but a weak smile remained on her dainty face. Legolas lifted her up and carried her towards his Nana who was gathering the children and fighting off the occasional Orc.
'Lets go,' he mumbled.

The rest of the night was a blur to him. Running aimlessly through the trees toward the fortress. Tears blurred his vision and he fell over many times, dropping Alëa's body.
Once they were near the fortress. An Orc came down on Legolas and sliced his little back. He killed it carelessly, not feeling and of the pain from the wound, over the pain for the loss of Alëa.
They came to the fortress and met up with the remaining seventy mothers and older children.
Legolas stayed in a corner, still holding Alëa. Who else has been torn away from me? He thought.
Culthien directed everyone around trying to run everything, but barely keeping herself together. She didn't even know if Thranduil was ok.
Neither did Legolas.

Elvish age:
What they look- actual age

-Aww! Leggi! A bit sad? I made the song up myself just off the top of my head, so if you think its weird or random, I kind of have to agree with you.
Don't worry I will put up another chapter this week (Monday and onwards?) don't worry Thranduil and Oropher won't die. The next chapter will be like one of those morning after ones.
Well I just hope you liked it. Leave a comment on what you think about the chapter. Vote if you like it and share if you love it!
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Love you and thank you for sticking with me xo

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