Hide And Seek

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After everything in the halls had been cleaned up and repaired, just about everything was back to normal. Although Legolas was mildly depressed, as many other elves were, he still managed to find some happiness to fuel himself. Oropher, Thranduil and Culthien were out in the garden, while Legolas was inside trying to find a friend to play with. He wandered down to the library to search for a companion.

As he walked inside, the smell of parchment filled the air. Legolas looked around and spotted his friend Taren.

'Taren,' he called out across the room. He lifted his head and smiled.

'Legolas,' he smiled, 'glad to see you my friend,' he greeted warmly, closing the book he was reading.

'What are you reading?' Legolas asked curiously.

'Just the tale of Túrin Turambar, it's really good,' he said, taking the book from the table. 'You can borrow it if you want, I've already finished. I'm reading it for the third time, I like it that much,' he smiled. Legolas grinned back and Taren handed him the book.

'Li Hannon,' (thank you) Legolas replied. He loved to read and if any book he hadn't read was recommended, he would read it no matter how many books were piled up beside his bed.

'Would you like to come outside and play?' Legolas asked.

'Sure, but I'll have to tell my nana where I am,' Taren replied.

'Great, meet you at the river in five,' Legolas smiled gleefully. All thought of Alëa was hidden at the bottom of his mind, he deserved to have a day where he could be normal.

Taren jogged off to where his parents were and Legolas went to his room and placed the book at the end of his bed, then slowly walked down to the entrance. As he walked out, he studied the detail of the gate. How it still had small imperfections as a reminder of the horror they had experienced.

Legolas managed to brush those thoughts away, as he turned away. His small feet made their way towards the river. In the eyes of a man, he looked like he was only three years old, but he had the mind of a fifteen year old. Never the less, he was allowed to act like he was much younger.

As his feet took him to the sparkling slow running river, he found a tree that was tall and beautifully twisted. It almost reached up to the entrance.

Taren soon came jogging out to meet Legolas, but did not see him. Cheeky little Legolas, took advantage of this and jumped out to scare Taren. It did not end well.

Due to previous experiences and horrors, everyone was on the edge of their seat, and completely paranoid.

Taren ended up punching little Legolas in the face.

'Ahw! What was that for?' Legolas stumbled back, clutching his cheek. Taren jumped back with shock, realising that he had just hit Legolas.

'I'm so sorry!' He exclaimed. 'I thought you were an Orc.'

'Do I look like an Orc?' Legolas huffed, taking his hand away from his face. He suddenly noticed a small amount of crimson on his hand. His eyes grew wide as he stared at his hand.

'You made me bleed!' He exaggerated.

'I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to,' Taren blurted. Legolas calmed down.

'I'm sorry too, for scaring you,' he said softly. Slowly wiping the blood away from his cheek. 'Come on, let's quickly clean this up, before my Ada sees,' Legolas stated, winking at Taren. As the two little elves, made their way to the healing rooms in silence, images of the destruction of Greenwood flooded through his mind.

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