Cute and Hilarious Comparisons- Mornings

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Cute and Hilarious Comparisons

~ I know that many of you have read our Little Fili and Kili stories, so I then had a crazy idea. Have a little story that shows what the days are like in the Greenleaf household for Legolas compared to what the days are like in the Durin household with Fili and Kili. So I hope you enjoy.

Ps. Think of it like a video.

The Greenleaf household- Mornings

The little prince stirred in his sleep. The sun was already shining through his windows and the leaves cast beautiful shimmering shadows on the walls. Birds could be heard chirping in the distance.

Legolas' blue eyes opened and greeted the morning light. His small and light feet met the floor as he slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes. His blonde hair was in a mess and he carried his small, worn out toy dog. It's white had become grey and it's eyes had become an eye.

He slowly tiptoed from his bed to his door ever so quietly, carrying the dog, and opened the door silently. He didn't want to wake anyone up. His feet glided towards his Ada's bedroom on the soft stone floor.

As he came to the door, he reached his hand up to the knob on his tiptoes and opened the door to reveal his tired father, sleeping peacefully, wrapped in a white sheet. His crown was placed on the table beside the bed, and a book rested near his face.

Legolas made his way to Thranduil's bed and put his dog beside Thranduil and slowly moved the book to the bedside table. He lifted the sheet up and slowly climbed in. He snuggled his way into Thranduil's arms and leaned against his chest.

Thranduil's eyes slowly flickered open and were greeted not with sunlight, but with messy blonde hair.

'Good morning Little Leaf,' he mumbled softly. He didn't move his body. He only moved his arms a slight bit, just to fit Legolas right in.

'Good morning, Ada,' Legolas replied, slowly closing his eyes and laying his toy dog down beside him.

The two fell asleep again, warm in each other's embrace. After a while, Thranduil woke up to find that Legolas was still sleeping on his arms. He moved them slightly, but woke Legolas up.

'Sorry Legolas, my arm is asleep,' he smiled.

*Scene cuts to mayhem*

The Durin household- Mornings

Thorin was fast asleep in his bed, he was snoring softly and his hair was in a mess. Dis, who was in the next bed, rolled over. But their ears were soon greeted with the sweet sound of mayhem.

Fili and Kili were so excited to see their mother and their uncle after such a long sleep. They screamed their way down the corridor towards the other bedroom. They burst through the door and screamed. Thorin and Dis both sighed, as this was repeated every morning.

The two little dwarves sprinted and leapt onto the beds. All that could be heard was the joyful screams of the brothers.

As Fili jumped onto Thorin's bed, he landed on Thorin's stomach, he was winded when Fili's knees jutted into his diaphragm .

'Auff! Fili!' Thorin complained, trying to breathe again. Fili didn't give a damn, he was too busy screaming and jumping on the bed next to Thorin.

Kili shrieked with joy as soon as he saw Dis and he too, jumped on the bed. His knees landed on her stomach, but his hands landed on her breast.

'Oh! Kili! Ow!' She exclaimed, trying to roll over and protect herself. Kili jumped on her like she was a mattress.

As Dis looked out the window, she saw that the sun was only risings she huffed and rolled her eyes. Thorin did the same as both boys jumped off the beds and ran around the house, yelling and screaming loudly, as if it was some special day. But it was just normal, everyday in the Durin household.

'Every goddamn morning!' Thorin huffed and roughly rolled over to try and rest for five minutes.

- Hope you enjoyed and if you liked it, give it a vote and leave a comment telling me what you thought or any recommendations or ideas for some more comparison story.


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