Oropher and Thranduil

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The night Thranduil and Oropher had was horrendous. It was filled with death, blood, spiders, orcs and horrid sights. They would never share the experience to anyone as it made them cringe at the thought of it. Nightmares plagued their sleep for years.

'Ada,' Thranduil said, 'What are we going to to?' He was shaking, he had never seen so many orcs and spiders close to his home.

'Were going to fight like we never have before, your going to meet me here, right?' Oropher assured him. He had to leave the halls to take half of the elves to meet the orcs and spiders, while Thranduil stayed at the halls and prepared defences.

Oropher gathered the elves and headed off. Thranduil quickly raced to him gently moving elves from his path. As he got to his father, he hugged him, long and tight.

'I love you, Ada. Please come back,' he whispered into his ear. He loved his father very much, he adored him and looked up to him all of the time. Even though Thranduil was quite old, it didn't mean his love would fade away.

'I love you too, and I promise,' he whispered back. Thranduil ran back to the elves he was directing, he was holding back a shimmering tear drop. He knew many would die, but he hoped Legolas, Culthien, Oropher or his own wouldn't be one of the bodies that would be dragged back and then buried with many others.

Thranduil organised his soldiers, told them the battle plan and which defences to set up. They went out onto the embrasures, balconies and front gates, lining them with trebuchets, giant cross bows, lines and lines of brave archers, setting up caltrops, snares, spiked barricades and ballista towers.

As Thranduil watched his father and his soldiers gather in the distance against the black crowd of orcs and spiders. The only thing Thranduil felt was eternal hopelessness. He looked over to his friend Narathlad.

'It has been a pleasure knowing you,' Thranduil said to him. A weak smile crept onto his grim face. All knew the fate that awaited them.

Oropher called the elves to assemble into lines. As the orcs drew closer, the spiders overtook them, craving for elven blood. Many of the elves were in the trees ready to shoot arrows and drop down onto their enemies.

The elves charged and met head on with the spiders. It was bloody and brutal. Many elves fell fighting beside Oropher.

Thranduil couldn't help but watch from the distance, trying to spot his Ada in the crowd.

The orcs were overwhelming the elves and pushing them back, but they kept on fighting. Oropher called for the elves to retreat and made sure they knew where the traps were.

The elves flooded into the gates as Thranduil shouted for the firing from the trebuchets and ballistas. Thranduil and Oropher met up in the halls and embraced briefly, before rushing off to command the soldiers. Thranduil looked out from a balcony and saw elven bodies across the ground. Stiff and still. There were so many.

The orcs and spiders approached and Thranduil ordered all roof defences to fire. Large rocks flew through the air and ballista bolts homes in on their targets. Thranduil watched as his homeland was destroyed and so were his people, the trees were being ruined and some orcs had started some fires. Soon the forest would be alight and everyone would be dead.

The wind blew and the flags were raised. The stench of Orcs and a spiders travelled in the wind too.

As soon as the orcs were in range. Almost every elf lined up into ranks of archers. When Oropher gave the call, they released a hail of arrows and many orcs and spiders fell. The archers were managing to hold most of them off so their numbers were starting to diminish. But slowly they managed to get closer to the halls. Then they clashed. It was a bloody and brutal battle. Many were slain instantly, many survived long enough to see their friends die.

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