The Last Alliance

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(I hope this one makes up for the one I missed, it's a bit long but I hope you enjoy.)

Over the next twenty-three years the world had become more and more dangerous. The orcs came closer and closer to the men and elves. Many battles were won and lost. And the threat of Sauron grew closer.

Oropher, Thranduil and Culthien were extremely busy and little Legolas usually had no one to look after him, so there were a few incidents which we will get to later...

Oropher travelled with Thanduil for meetings in Rivendell, Lórien, Gondor and Lindon, very often. Culthien had to step in for Oropher and Thranduil. And very often and little Legolas, being thirty three, looking like a six or seven year old, and a curious little one, was left by himself most days.

Honestly, he felt a bit neglected. When Oropher and Thranduil were home and not busy, they would read him stories, sing songs and watch him practise his archery.

The elves and men made an alliance to defeat Sauron together, everything became even more busier over the next three years. They planned to march for Mordor soon.

'Grandpa?' Legolas whispered. Oropher suddenly woke up. Legolas has silently crept into Oropher's room and now stood beside his bed.

'Yes little leaf?' He rolled over and pulled the covers up, revealing a little space for Legolas to snuggle into.

'I can't sleep.' He said while crawling into the available space.

'Ok little leaf.' Oropher cuddled Legolas while he snuggled down into a warm space between his stomach and curled up legs. 'Do you want me to sing you a song or tell you a story?'

'I like your songs grandpa, they make me feel ahoy and sleepy.' Oropher gave a soft and small laugh at the complement.

'Ok, how about this one?'

'Hey little Idril,

The elf with the fiddle,

The eagle flew over the mountain.

The little boy laughed to see such fun,

And the elf ran away with the man.'

By the time Oropher was finished, the little prince was yawning and curling up into a ball beside him. He smiled and said, 'Thank you grandpa.'

'Sleep well, my little leaf.'

The next week, Oropher and Thranduil prepared to march to battle Sauron. The elves of Lindon and Rivendell were staying and helping the Greenwood elves with their preparation.

'Ada! I don't want you to go!' Legolas shouted, tears streaming in his eyes. 'You can't go, I don't want you to go!' Culthien was also in tears, but she understood that he and Oropher had to go.

'I promise I will come back.' He hugged Legolas and Culthien tightly.

'You keep that promise!' Culthien ordered.

'Is grandpa going too?' Legolas asked.

'Yes, he has to because he is our leader.' Thanduil answered.

'No! Not grandpa too!' He turned and ran to the hall where Elrond, Gil-Galad and Oropher were talking.

'Grandpa!' He screeched as he sprinted up the stairs. He fell over and cut his head, but it didn't matter to him, all that mattered was that he could lose his Ada and Annadar (grandfather). Oropher snapped his attention to the crying little Legolas.

'Whats wrong little leaf?' He asked while picking him up. Legolas cried into his shoulder, smearing blood onto his clothes. 'Is you head ok?' Legolas felt his head and when he pulled his hand away, it had blood on it.

'Annadar! I don't want you to go!' He cried. Elrond and Gil-Galad backed away.

'I'm sorry little leaf, but I have to. If I don't go everyone here will not make it.' He told Legolas.

'You can't go! I love you and Ada too much! I can't lose you!' He cried into his shoulder.

'Look, little leaf, I promise I will come back and tell you the story and sing you your favourite song.' He said while patting his back. Elrond gave him a look of: don't make promises you can't keep.

'I'll get some bandages and herbs for his head.' Elrond whispered. He slowly and silently walked out of the room.

'Annadar, you have to stay here.' He whispered, 'Ada can't go too.' Oropher sat on his throne with Legolas resting on his neck. Gil-Galad started feeling guilty, he had no young children, neither did Elrond, but he felt awful that Oropher and or Thranduil may not come back for Legolas. He knew he didn't fully understand the idea of death.

Elrond came back with some bandages and herbs and fixed Legolas' head.

'I love you my little leaf.' Oropher whispered.

'I love you more.' Legolas sobbed.

The next morning, everyone began to leave for Lórien.

'Ada, let me come with you so then I don't have be without you!' Legolas cried while sitting atop Thranduil's horse.

'No, I could never let you come with me.' He sighed.

'Here Ada.' Legolas passed Thranduil a small stone. It said:

Toltha bâr Adar

Gi Melin

'Come home, Ada. I love you.' Thranduil translated to himself. He placed the shiny black rock in his breast pocket and kept it close. 'I will Legolas, I will.' He hugged him tightly. Culthien came red faced and tears in her eyes.

'You come home,' she ordered, 'Or I will search for you in the halls of Mandos.'

'I will.' He said. They hugged tightly for a long time. Oropher came and embraced Culthien and Thranduil tightly. And the Legolas.

'You will always be my little leaf.' He whispered to the little prince.

'You will always be my Annada.' Legolas whispered back. 'I made something for you too.' He held out a small bronze mallorn leaf. 'I got the smiths to help me make it.'

'Thank you.' He said, and clipped it on his cloak. 'I will keep it forever, and it will remind me for you.' Legolas hugged him tightly with tears starting to form in his little blue eyes. He hugged his Ada and burst into tears. He knew someone he loved would never come back, he just wished it wouldn't be his Ada.

(I'm sure you know what buttons to hit! I love you all for reading and really appreciate it!)

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