Legolas Breaks His Arm

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When little Legolas was eleven, there was a big thunderstorm one night. The little prince was scared out of his skin and was crying in his bedroom.
Culthien heard Legolas crying and she raced to his room.
'Leggi, Leggi.' She told him. 'Its only thunder, it won't hurt you.' She cuddled his little tear stained shanking body.
'Nana.' He sobbed. 'Its scary and it hurts my ears.' He buried his face into his mother. 'Its like a big monster growling.'
'Leggi. It's ok.' She whispered. 'Your Ada and Nana will always protect you. And the stars will too.'
'How will the stars protect me, Nana?' Legolas looked up to see his mother's kind face.
'The stars are the lights the Ilúvatar created. They can show you where to go. What time it is. Dates of festivals. And they will always protect you from evil. Sometimes when a storm is here, the stars are covered, but that doesn't mean they aren't there. The noises of thunder are the stars battling the storm to protect everyone.' Culthien told Legolas. The prince stopped his sobbing.
'Thank you, Nana.' He whispered.


The next day the little prince woke up and walked outside to his balcony and saw that it was cloudy.
'I will help you stars! I will help you fight the clouds!' He called out to them. 'I just don't know how to get to you.' He whispered in disappointment.
He went back to his room and sat on his bed. Deep in thought, the young prince sat motionlessly.
Finally he decided that he would fly to the stars. No one would be watching him today, so he could carry on with secret plans. He ran down to the forges.
'Hello?' He called, 'Is anyone there?' Suddenly he heard a loud sound or crashing. He ran towards it, thinking it was the stars battling the clouds. He arrived in the room where he had heard the sound.
To his disappointment it was the forgers, Lindaril and Gelian.
'Oh, hi.' He mumbled.
'What's wrong little prince?' Gelian asked kindly while putting his hammer down. He strode over to Legolas and knelt down in front of him.
'I just wanted to know where I can find some feathers?' He asked shyly putting his hands behind his back flashing his light blue eyes.
'What do you need them for?' He asked. The little prince knew he should keep it secret so he only told Gelian a little bit.
'I need them for wings, I want to dress up.' He innocently lied, surprisingly keeping a straight face.
'Sure. Lindaril, can you show the little prince to the fletching room to fetch some feathers?' Gelian asked his assistant.
'Sure.' He said, putting down his tools.
'Thank you!' The little prince shouted jumping up and down. Lindaril lead the small prince down to the fletching room and gave him some feathers.
'Will this be enough?' He asked kindly, placing the feathers into the basket.
'Can I get a little more, please?' The eager prince asked. 'Oh, and four pieces of wood as well, please.'
Lindaril gave Legolas the materials and lead him back to the main halls. The little prince raided the kitchen for flour and water to make some glue. He then disappeared into his room and didn't come back down until lunch time when the maid called him. Legolas left his project because his little rumbling stomach was begging for some food. He came to the kitchen and climbed onto a stool, but fell off. The stool was too tall for the little elf. The maid then helped him up and placed his meal in front of him.
'Thank you.' He said.
'Your welcome.' The maid smiled. Legolas helped himself to his fruit platter, practically inhaling it.
'Well, someone is hungry.' The maid commented with a laugh. 'Did you miss breakfast?'
The Legolas nodded while stuffing his face. He had juice trickling down onto his clothes. He finished his mouthful.
'I have a mission.' He smiled but then tried to look the maid in the eye seriously.
'Ok, well you have fun.' Legolas had finished and thanked the maid. 'Oh, and make sure you change your top, little one.'
Legolas went and changed his top and gathered his little project. He had made two wings, one slightly smaller than the other. He had made a huge mess on his floor with the glue and the feathers were stuck messily together and were falling off left right and centre. Nevertheless, the prince carried on.
He took them to the tailor and stuck some string on them to tie them to his back. He went outside and stared at the sky. It was still covered in grey, and the stars were battling fiercely in his eyes. He climbed up a nearby tree and when he got to the top he looked down.
'Not too far up.' He said to himself. He had been so lonely for the past few weeks, he had been talking to himself to keep a conversation going.
He stood up high and felt the wind on his face, he stretched the wings out and did what the birds always do.
'I am coming for you!' He shouted.
But this time, he fell.
Down, down, down. He hit the ground with a thud and let out an ear piercing scream. A guard noticed, well, the whole kingdom did. The guard rushed to his aid and sprinted to the infirmary. Pain throbbed through Legolas' bones and he couldn't feel worse. The guard laid him down on a bed and called for a nurse.
Legolas' Nana had recognised the scream and sprinted to his aid.
When his mother arrived she hugged him and held Legolas' while he was getting his arm inspected.
'Yes, it's definitely broken.' The doctor told Culthien over Legolas' crying.
'Oh my poor baby.' She said while stroking the little prince's head. Legolas' got his arm bandaged and was told he had to keep it on for two weeks.

'Now what have you learned from this experience?' Culthien asked Legolas. He was in bed and had calmed down a little bit was still in pain. Luckily the elvish medicine was working or he would still be screaming.
'That- that-' he stuttered, still teary. 'That elves can't fly.'


A week later, Elrond's little twins came over. The little boys saw Legolas and rushed over to him.
'Hey! What happened!' Elladan interrogated.
'I tried to fly, but fell out of a tree.' Legolas told him, excited by the attention.
'Ha ha, your so silly!' Elrohir called playfully.
'Well it wasn't any better than you using a parachute instead of stairs!' Elladan joked. The little elf boys roared with laughter.

-so basically, if you are confused at what time this happened, this was a little after when Legolas got his first bow.
I have had some really nice comments on some of the earlier Legolas stories, which made me feel absolutely amazing, so I just want to thank those people, you made me day!
I am really enjoying writing this so I will post another story shortly.
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I am so grateful for all of you readers, just thank you XD

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