More Cute and Hilarious Comparisons- Activities

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More comparison stories for you! This time, it's activities!

*Peace returns*

The Greenleaf household- Activities

Legolas was deeply immersed in a book he was reading, when Thranduil appeared at the doorway. As Legolas looked up, they both smiled at each other. He put the book down and skipped up to his Ada.

'What are you reading Little Leaf?' Thranduil asked in a soft tone.

'Lúthien and Beren,' He replied.

'Ok, but promise me you won't get any ideas and go running off with a woman,' Thranduil smirked.

'Ok, Ada, I promise,' Legolas smiled cheekily. For a second, he felt like defying his father, just for the pure pleasure of it.

'Would you like to come down to the archery range with me? I can teach you a few more skills,' Thranduil teased. He didn't need an answer to that question.

Soon both were down to the archery range. Thranduil fetched his large yew wood bow, which was vastly decorated. Legolas managed to find his bow that was hidden among the others. It had a few carvings made by Legolas when he was six. He galloped across the field to meet Thranduil.

'Excited?' Thranduil asked.

'Yes!' Legolas blurted.

Together, the two practised and Thranduil helped Legolas and Legolas gave his Ada challenges, like shooting arrows into an apple on Legolas' head. It was a great afternoon, one that both would remember forever.

*scene cuts to mayhem*

The Durin household- activities

'OW! FILI THAT HURTS!' Kili shouted, louder than necessary. Fili and Kili were home alone. Dis and Thorin had to quickly go out to run some errands, and would be back in only a few minutes.

'Try and get out of my grip,' Fili smirked, pinning Kili down.

'You're too heavy,' Kili complained, struggling around.

'No, you're just weak,' Fili retorted. Kili was enraged my those two words. You're. Weak.

'ARGH!' Kili shouted in rage as he threw Fili off him. 'I'm not weak!' It was as if he had turned into the Itty-Bitty Hulk.

'Im sorry, I didn't mean to,' Fili apologised, slowly backing up. Kili grabbed a nearby chair and was about to pick it up and throw it at Fili, but he stumbled over and the chair fell on top of him.

Kili screamed out of shock, but Fili soon helped him up.

Within five seconds, Dis sprinted through the door in utter panic, thinking that someone was being murdered.

'What is going on?!' She shouted in distress.

'Oh, nothing. We're just playing,' Fili replied innocently, flashing his eyes.

'It sounded like you were being attacked,' Dis huffed a sigh of relief. 'I'm going to have a lie down,' she sighed.

'Ok, have a nice sleep,' Kili smiled.

'Don't be too loud, ok?' Dis sternly pointed to the brothers. And with that, she went to her room and flopped onto her bed.

Thorin soon came through the door and the boys leapt onto him and brought him down like a black hawk°.

'Woah! Boys!' He exclaimed.

'It's wrestling time!' Fili roared, attempting to roughly pin Thorin down. He didn't succeed, he was too small for that.

But Kili just belly flopped onto Thorin's face. The pain was both agonising and hilarious.

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