Legolas is born

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Legolas is born

Culthien gave a slight wail as she felt the pain and leant on a nearby tree and Thranduil caught her hands.

'The baby is coming.' Culthien whispered. They were out in the gardens of Greenwood tending to the plants and picking flowers to put in each others hair. Thranduil carried his wife back to the palace to the House of Healing.

He stayed by her side as all elves do during birth. He helped her stay calm and his presence soothed her greatly. Within a few hours there was crying. Not the crying of Culthien or Thranduil. The cry of the new future prince of Greenwood. He had blonde hair and blue eyes like his father.

He was peaceful in his mother's arms.

He liked to sleep, but when he wasn't sleeping he would lie in the sun and watch it dance across his fingers.

'He is going to grow up to be a clever fighter, I know it.' Thranduil said to Lindir, who was looking after Legolas for the day. Legolas was reaching up and grabbing Lindir's hair.

'I can see why...' He sighed. Little baby Legolas had swiftly wrapped Lindir's hair around his blanket. He was a cheeky young baby, filled with curiosity.

On occasions when both Thranduil and Culthien were busy, Lindir would take care of Legolas. He would carry him around showing him around the palace, the gardens, meeting some of the friendly elves stopping to say hello to the future prince.

Those days were wonderful, and all was well. The little future prince was growing up.

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