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I'm a fool for the shake in your thighs. I'm a fool for the pitch of your sighs.


"You fucking bastard." Harry burst through the double doors, hot wooden debris spraying

everyone and cutting skin.

The two girls on Lucifer's lap scream when chips graze their skin enough to leave blood trickling

out. Harry glares at them, hating that they're even present, with bold black eyes against pearly

white skin. Moving swiftly, Harry grabs them both by their hair and flings them across the room.

"Those were my toys." The biggest man in the room doesn't make a move to help them but he's

suddenly in Harry's face. "Don't touch my toys."

Harry looks like he swallows souls and they unintentionally took his away, leaving any beauty

within him to dwindle. "You fucking lied to me."

"Shame on me."

"I killed James' mate for nothing."

"He was useless anyway." Lucifer huffs at the lack of grapes in his tray. "Died yesterday."

It doesn't faze Harry. "Give me my mortality."

"Can't do that, friend."

"The fuck you can't!" Harry's fists curl tightly so that the skin at his knuckles tear to make the

bone visible.

"I did nothing to you, Possessor Harry. If you...relapsed then that's your own thing."

"Why would I relapse?"

"Because you're too powerful. You're a creature of Hell and you can bet your flat arse you're

going to stay here."

"I won't stay." Harry spits venomously. "I'm going back."

"Feel free. Your babies shall be Possessors too."


"I can smell your Little One on you-" Lucifer scrunches his nose theatrically. "-but not as I've

smelt him once before. He's with child. Your child."

Well of course it's Harry's child. Harry is at a loss for words as he falls to his knees on the ground.

His knuckles heal and he screams into his palms.

"You don't want children?" Lucifer frowns at Harry's condition. "Isn't that why you did this?"

"They'll be....demons."

"True." Lucifer tosses a grape at Harry, who turns it to ash in the air. "But they won't have a true

form because they're half human."

* * * * *

"I'm pregnant." Is the first thing Louis tells Harry two weeks later.

Harry hadn't fessed up to his mate when he first came to know of the pregnancy, because he

wanted Louis to experience it. Having a demon's baby won't hurt in the slightest until he actually

had to give birth.

"I know." Harry pulls him into a hug. "I'm going to fix this."

"No." Louis shakes his head against Harry's solid chest. "I want this baby."

Demon BeggingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon