Chapter 15

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From even the greatest of horrors irony is seldom absent.


"Lou?" Harry was leaning against the bathroom's door frame, waiting for Louis to exit the shower


"Hazza?" Was his reply, slightly muffled by the healthy flow of water.

"I need clothes."

The water gets cut off and Louis steps out with a thoughtful expression, gasping when he notices

his mate really needed clothes as he stood there in the nude. Harry wraps the waiting towel around

him just as an excuse to hold him.

"You can go get your own clothes if you want, but you have to come back." Louis' has his hands

helplessly squashed between their bodies. "Or you can have new ones."

"Well, Tim goes back today so he can handle my place. Where do I get new clothes?"

"I'll take you to the man who does all my clothes."

"People make clothing here?"

"It's a world without money. Questionable, I know." Louis thinks about how little Harry knows

regarding his homeland. "Yet wealth still exists. Here, money stands only for status and isn't used

to pay for anything."

"That's freaking incredible." Harry trails off. "Do you have a foreign exchange office?"

Louis laughs at the point behind Harry's question and nods. "We do."

"Then I should go back." Harry sighs, pressing his lips to Louis' forehead. "I'll go get my clothes

and money."

"Okay. When you get back I'll take you to goblin territory."

"You really love those guys, don't you?"

"A lot of my friends are there." Louis defends. "How long will you go for?"

"An hour, at most. We should find out whose cottage this is so we can buy it from them."

"It doesn't belong to anyone. When a building is owned, there is always a mark on the door."

"Hmm. What kind of mark?"

Louis shrugs. "The mark of their family lineage."

"So what mark do we put on our door?"

"We can put our bond tattoo." Louis combs Harry's hair away from his face to indicate the

irremovable marking.

Harry and Louis left the cottage with two hours left for noon. Louis noted how close it was

situated to the river, a distinct river that kept their woods away from the dark forest that was

forbidden to them. Nobody's ventured in there but Louis' never been more curious about anything.

Ares was in the open field with Swift by the huge log close to the opposite end. Tim was there too

and Louis began to feel guilty about making them wait. Swift's daemon, a domestic Cazhrin - a

horse capable of swimming in the deepest sea and flying above the tallest mountain - was sitting

beside him.

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