Chapter 6

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Life Sciences went well enough for Louis, they'd just started the topic of biodiversity which meant a major group assessment that carried a great portion of everyone's grade. They got to pick their own group members, and Louis refused to be put down by the fact that nobody had approached him.

"Hey, Louis!" Or maybe his luck had changed because Dora - the class' brainiac - comes up to him.

"Hi, Dora." He smiles widely at her, just like his mom taught him to always be polite.

"Would you like to be in my group?"



"Yes! Thank you, Dora." He hugs her because hugs always made him smile.

"No problem, Louis." She laughs. "Catch you later? I'll call you?"

"Oh. I don't have a cellphone."

"That's fine. Land-line number?"

He write it down for her on a small piece of paper from his notebook, signing it at the bottom with a tiny heart because they looked pretty.

"Bye!" He waves to her before rushing down the hall. His next class was English.

Harry stands in the school parking lot, awaiting the end of the day because only then would he be allowed to get into Rita's Door. It's a place in the richest district of town, where only demons were present. He needed to talk to Tim - a demon he's known since birth - about finding his mate in Louis.

His fifth smoke was complete and he still felt uneasy, this creeping dark feeling that kept egging him. It's been less than a few hours and he felt like he was losing his edge.

His nostrils picked up the scent of his Louis, walking out with nothing and nobody. Harry should be slightly miffed at everyone who won't be friends with his sweetheart, but he was conveniently glad because now he had Louis all to himself.

Except now, Harry's throat began to itch and his fingertips were prickly. He craved Louis' body in more ways than some. It's what was in his nature, nobody could help it.

"Lou!" He shouts across the large distance but the shy boy still manages to pick up the sound.

He blushes and approaches Harry, taking his arms as soon as Louis' close enough to wrap into. Harry chuckles because that was obscenely adorable and he bravely fulfilled his wish of draping

himself all over his mate to be.

"Hey there, lovely." Harry kisses his forehead.

"Hi." Louis feels cold with the violent wind brushing around them. "Guess what?"

"What?" Harry catches the glare of many passing students.

"We got put in groups for a project today and Dora asked me to be in her group!"

"And Dora is?"

"She's really nice, and smart. For her birthday, we all got ice cream cookies."

"Then I'm glad she chose you before anyone else did."

Louis draws back enough to stand on his own, and glances back at the school building. "Nobody else would want me."

"Nonsense. I want you." And just to amuse Louis, Harry waggles his eyebrows suggestively in an act he would put on show only for his boy.

"Thanks." Louis pushes his hair out of his face after giggling. "I'm going to get Daisy now."

"Will I see you later?"

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