Chapter 22

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One may tolerate a world of demons for one angel.


They'd been on the elected guiding path for over three hours and the sun's just started to rise from

behind the peeks of exotic trees. Now that Louis was on the road, he was a little more rest assured

than he was stuck in a tower. He allowed his body to relax and in that, become drowsy from only

four hours of sleep over a span of fifty-two hours.

"Love?" Harry's been watching Louis from the corner of his eye for the past hour and didn't feel

happy with the way the Omega's body swayed with each step.

"Hmm?" Louis seems to have an energy boost and looks up as if nothing is wrong.

"Are you tired?"

"Little bit." Louis admits, a baby yawn coming from his mouth.

"We should stop."

"No!" Louis' eyes widen at the preposterous idea. "We can't lose any time, Harry."

"We'll just get some rest then go on for a long stretch." Harry brings Dexter to Sirius' front and

cuts him off so Louis had no choice but to stop.

Louis figures that it's a good idea considering once they moved beyond Zohrai borders, they were

prone to every wandering danger. He nods and dismounts, holding Sirius' reins to be tied to a

solid tree.

"We don't have to set anything up." Louis tells his Alpha. "We don't have that much time."

"We're taking as much time as you need." Harry steps into Louis' space and kisses his forehead.

"Then we're not going to be long."

Harry sighs and shakes his head, re-enlightening himself on just how stubborn his mate is. He

smirks and grabs Louis' wrist, pulling him against his chest where the Omega raises a questioning

eyebrow at him.

They spend their break at the very top of a tree where Harry insists - not ever using his authority -

that Louis sleeps and when the boy does fall asleep he hasn't got the heart to wake him up. Harry

ties Sirius to his horse and sets Louis in front of him on his saddle before moving on.

Harry wasn't familiar with these parts, these lands actually, but Alfred had showed him a map for

guidance. He memorised it but took the aged sheet anyway just in case - not likely - that he


There doesn't seem to any movement around them, and Harry's willing to bet his arm that he could

pick up any shifting life form before they pounced. None did so yet.

The path didn't change and Louis was a soundless sleeper, wrapped around Harry's middle in a

way that reminded him Louis had not many people to rely on.

Sirius has Ares on his back and the dragon is on high alert, Harry knows why. They'd just gotten

to the river that would separate them from Zohrai safety. This way didn't lead them to the Dark

Forest but the unknown is just as terrifying.

Harry can't get either Sirius or Dexter to step into the water, and he isn't sure why. He withdrew

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