Chapter 2

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Louis spent a fair amount of time that morning admiring the new automobile with a renowned label and mysterious owner. The boy who was much bigger than Louis, hadn't looked at anyone as he strode past the school gates into the yard. Louis thought he was pretty, he had a long trench coat on like the one Louis used to use to make indoor tents. He may have gotten a few odd looks from passing students when he blushed at the memory.

Afrikaans went well, the teacher seemed to have turned a new leaf and no longer made Louis sad like she used to. They did the usual Language section before being dismissed. Niall caught Louis on his way to Accounting.

"Hey, Lou." Niall gives his close friend a hug.

"Nialler!" Louis kisses his cheek, the nickname arose from first grade when Niall and he met at the tuck shop.

"Where you headed to?"

"Accounting." Louis frowned. Numbers were a weakness, he was never good at them and didn't understood why.

"Don't be sad, Lou. Everyone hates Accounting."

That just made Louis feel worse. "I took the subject because I thought I could help Momma, but all I ever do is need help myself."

"I could help you if you want."

Louis giggles and somewhere down the corridor Harry's ears prick. "But Nialler, you are bad at it too."

"Then we'll just be bad at it together and grab some lunch later, okay?"

"Okay. Not today though." Louis sniffs and pinches the strap of his bag. "I promised to get ice cream after school with Lottie. I asked Fizzy and she said okay then the twins wanted to come too."

Niall smiles fondly at Louis' rambling. "I meant lunch break today, Lou."

"Oh." Louis turns pink. He does that often. "I'd love to."

"It's a date!" Niall pecks his cheek before running down the hall, leaving Louis to ponder over what just happened.

Not two doors away Harry is leaning against a set of lockers, blocking someone's way or preventing a student from opening their cubicle. He watches the new boy. It was Harry who's new, but due to a rather uncalled for disagreement in the school yard he has already confirmed his spot in the social hierarchy. Louis didn't notice him, and that bothered Harry just a tad. The smaller boy smiled a lot, and he blushed at fucking everything so Harry's urge to watch the boy's reaction to seeing him was understandable. Not that Harry would reveal his true form, he'd never do that.

Louis was walking towards him, but wasn't headed for him exactly. So he stood there and

watched while Louis stopped at the locker two down from this one. He was balancing his folder that was ridiculously cartoon-ish in one hand, and the bag with an inhaler in the other. Harry scanned the small boy's frame, examining the Marvel T-shirt and skinny jeans that were folded at the ankles. Harry licked his lips involuntarily before biting his lower one. He wanted to know this boy's name.

"Hello?" Harry's gruff tone rings out rudely.

Louis turns to him, the usual shock or fear absent in his eyes as he smiles. "Hi."

"You are?" Harry was direct, at all times.

"I'm Louis William Tomlinson." He replies, voice too high-pitched and smiled too bright. Harry would hate him if the features didn't intrigue him. "What's your name?"


Louis frowns and Harry chuckles. "What?"

"You're supposed to say your full name." He states brightly. "It's how I know you're not lying to me."

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