Chapter 12

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Trust me, you don't want to feel what I feel.


The rules were set and so was the ordeal. Louis wasn't allowed to be near either opponent directly before the fight that was due to happen right after Harry released him from behind a tree where nobody saw them. They weren't really concerned though, because they knew people were aware of their location.

"At first, I thought you lied to me." Harry smirks down at the cornered and blushing boy.

Louis furrows his eyebrows. "But I wanted you to find me."

"I know. It wasn't my best theory." Harry picks him up by the backs of his thighs and Louis covers his own mouth to keep in a loud giggle.

"You had more?"

"Stop stalling. Do you not want to kiss me?"

"I really-"

Harry covers Louis' mouth with his own and presses his back against the tree, tugging Louis closer as the kiss got deeper. Louis locked his arms around Harry's neck and gave in easily.

They both felt complete after such a long month-long waiting period of suffering. They were together now, and nothing felt raw and unpleasant any longer. Harry had to accept Louis' offer of clothes so that he could go back to his human form without wandering about stark naked for all to see.

"I can't wait to show you my world." Louis grins, keeping his face a page's width from Harry's.

"I want to see every bit of it." Harry kisses Louis' cheek, jaw and goes down the side of his neck where Victor's mark wasn't.

But then Louis remembers something. "Harry?"


"Will you....go back to the human world?"

"Well, I must." Harry pulls away to look Louis in the eye. "It's where my home is."

"Right." Louis smiles through the crack of his heart.

"You're coming with me too, yes?"



"I can't go back. Physically can't, Harry."

"Why not?"

"Besides for my one visit there as someone else's son, my body won't adapt to live in that atmosphere. I'd die."

Harry frowns and pulls away from Louis as he fumbles about inside his head, searching for a resolution or anything to say.

"What does this mean?" Harry lowers Louis to his feet but keeps holding his hand, not ready to let go after waiting so long.

"We can live here, Harry."

"But, Louis." Harry sighs heavily. "My kind doesn't exist in your world. Tim will go back, as will I."Louis looks at the ground, tears filling his eyes.

"Why wasn't this in all those rules you have?"

Harry is bordering on hot anger. It rose to the surface everytime he was pissed off for long enough, or his limit was pushed. Why didn't he know this? Out of all the rules, the endless roles of conduct and behaviour. All their standards that they had, they could have at least informed him of this.

"Would it have changed anything?" Louis looks up with glassy vision to ask the demon.

"I would have figured something out." Harry nearly pulls his hair out when he rakes it away from his line of vision.

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