Chapter 4

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Run away with me until they stop searching.

"Lou!" Daisy whines for her older brother.

He adored her and could never deny any request that fell from her lips. "Daisy!"

"Abba me." She makes grabby hands in the air. The term was decided upon when Louis couldn't pronounce 'carry' so resorted to 'abba'.

He lifts her off the ground and let's her ride piggy-back for the walk home. Everyone's finished their ice creams three pine trees away - if Louis counted correctly - and were now strolling towards their street.

"What's that?" Lottie points to the alley between two buildings, a spot near their left that they've never covered before.

"Momma said we shouldn't go down there." Louis replies, though he could make out two figures and one looked familiar from just the physique.

"Come on." She ushers the family along because they couldn't risk being noticed.

Louis obeys and carries Daisy back to the house that's not more than two blocks away. Of course their mom's not home when they get there because she had a meeting today.

"Who's cooking dinner?" Lottie asks.

"Not it!" Louis shouts before running upstairs and is soon followed by the other siblings.

"Fine! Eat cereal for all I care." Lottie vents and they giggle upstairs.

Louis dumps his bag on his bed then frowns and picks it up, and places it at his feet by his desk. If he got a head start on his homework then he could make it for the dinner that Lottie orders.

Math first. Math is always first. He opens up the section on Parabolic functions and gets to work. Five minutes later he kicks off his shoes and folds his legs under himself on his chair.

"Lou?!" Lottie shouts from downstairs.


"Pizza's here."

What? Louis looks at the time and realizes he's been at it for over an hour. He sighs in defeat and answers Lottie. "Coming!"

He showers because nobody's using it and it would be wise to do so before his parents got home. After a thorough wash he goes downstairs to join everyone in the lounge for soda and pizza.

"So, Lou." Daisy rests on his lap. "How was school?"

Louis blushes immediately because it made him think about the new student. "I made a new friend."

"Oh really?" Lottie questions. "Who?"

"Actually, the new boy with the Jag."

Lottie coughs.

"What's wrong?"

"His name's Harry?"

"Yeah!" Louis beams at the mention of his newest friend.

"He's in twelfth grade, Lou."

"I know." His good mood is subdued, and he looks down at his plate.

"I'm sorry, Lou." She pats his lap and pulls him into a side hug. "We do this for you."

"I know." He rests his head on her shoulder.

"I won't tell mom."

"Thank you."

"Won't tell mom what?" Daisy interrupts.

"Nothing." Louis sighs sadly and gets up to dispose of his paper plate. "Goodnight."

"Night, Lou." Daisy waves at his back as he trudges upstairs.

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