My Tifity

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Evangeline and I couldn't have been more confused about what was occurring. "Tensaya, what's happening?!", I asked out of fear. An abyss was growing in the middle of the place and would not stop slowly swallowing everything that was around it. The tiny genie was just as astonished as we were. The kosais started running away from the canyon but it swallowed almost half of them. All of us were lamented by the screams of those little colourful creatures. It was terrifying how that huge hole which went from the ground to the sky was destroying tifity in a matter of seconds. "What are we supposed t do now?", Evangeline asked. I had no answer to that, nor did Tensaya. Everyone was paralyzed and didn't know how to react. I assume we should have run towards the door that held the black hole directly. What happened next would have been different if we had done so.

Our theme park was the first thing the gulch swallowed with no mercy in the first five minutes we had been immobile. All the rides, the five dimension cinema, the vintage carousel... everything was being torn off the ground so easily that it was scary. Once it was done taking our amusement park, it didn't hesitate to start over with the wonie tree forest and the differently flavoured oreo plants. Tensaya tried to plug the hole and make it wane, but it didn't work. Nor did Evangeline's spells and potions. She tried around ten different abracadabras but all we got was to waste the limited time we had to get out of there. "Lend me the notebook and the pen!! Fast!!", I told the guardian. I had thought of writing something down so the abyss would at least stop growing. It was the last chance I had to save our safe place. 

To my unpleasant surprise, my plan didn't work either. I tried to draw all over the drawing of the abyss that had appeared in the notebook, but it didn't work either. Even now, we don't know how that drawing appeared in the magical diary, but having known it at the time wouldn't have changed anything. Every inch of Tifity was dying and none of us could do anything to stop it. It was so devastating to watch the universe we had created randomly disappearing just like that. Seeing all our effort fade away so quickly made me feel as if my heart was being ripped out of my chest. I think it's safe to say it was painful for all of us to see Tifity getting destroyed. 

"Follow me!", Tensaya exclaimed and so we did. Even though the snow was dark and shiny, it still was so difficult to walk over, so we couldn't run towards the exit. The hole kept growing and swallowing as if it was a drain. The bigger the ravine got, the faster our time to escape decreased. I calculated we had around three minutes to get back home before the whole dimension collapsed. We needed to be fast and clever if we wanted to get out of there alive. As any of us could cover or stop the abyss from growing, I decided to paint a sledge on the notebook, so we could toboggan the snowy hills. Evangeline and I sat on the sleigh and were ready to go down when Tensaya stopped us. "This will probably be the last time we see each other things as they seem, I just wanted to quickly say it was a pleasure to meet you and that I'm going to miss you, ladies". Both of us were in tears but ready to stand up and hug the little genie when he pushed the thing down while stating "I'll help you reach the door".

We were going at such a speed that the wind did not even let us see what we had in front of us. That's where Tensaya came in. He was the one who led the sledge, so we wouldn't crash into anything. Thank the universe that the door was still in the same place, we wouldn't have been able to come back to the backyard otherwise. It was time to say bye to tifity, perhaps forever. We were almost drowning in tears when we reached the door. Evangeline and I looked at each other and we had one of those "one look says more than a thousand words" moment. She held my hand as I opened the door. The black hole was almost gone, but yet big enough for us to pass through. Both Evangeline and I looked back to what had been our universe and safe place so many times before, now all destroyed and almost succumbed. We could see Tensaya waving as the abyss took him, which meant we were alone and that the time to get out of our dear Tifity came. I squeezed Evangeline's hand as a gesture for us to leave. We nodded at the same time and crossed the door. 

Next thing I remember is Evangeline and I laying on the floor, next to the door. Evangeline had already got up by the time I regained consciousness. "Is the black hole still there?", I asked still knowing what the answer was. She just looked down, so I stood up, walked towards the door and opened it. The only thing I found behind it was a wall. This meant Tifity was already a memory, conceivably one of the best ones.

We were absolutely speechless, being aware of our parallel universe being unexistent by then. Too many things were running through my head at that moment... I would miss the green hills, the animal-shaped clouds, playing the piano and dancing for hours, but I'd cherish those moments as my happiest times because I was in my friend's company. Evangeline wasn't worried and nor was I. I knew we'd be able to fight against whatever the future was about to bring us. We hugged as if there was no tomorrow, but there was. Because she was my safe place. Evangeline was my Tifity.

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