Everything goes

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Days passed by and Evangeline and I would always meet on the train that came at half-past three. We used to go to different schools, which is why she never wore a uniform. "How lucky", I thought to myself every time, but little did I know that her parents couldn't even afford to buy one if they had to. I later found out that she had the scholarship to pay the train tickets and that's when I realized how bad her family's economic situation was. But that didn't make me change my mind about being friends with her, of course.

After a couple of months, we started hanging out together and we slowly became great friends. We would also text each other at night instead of sleeping, just like every other couple of friends does. Late night conversations were the best thing of the day. They could be about any concerns we had or about the most random thing we could come up with. I can recall a day we started talking as if we were a witch and a ghost. Good memories. I have to admit, that I felt so comfortable while talking with her as if she made me forget about everything around me. Just as if we travelled to another dimension where it was just the two of us enjoying the time we spent together. I somehow felt safe when I was next to her or in our chat.

I remember I once told her about this thing that made me cry so much, and she did all that was in her hands to make me feel better through the screen. If that hadn't been enough, she was waiting for me at the train station in Manchester the next morning, just to hug me so tightly and tell me that "everything goes". That made my heart feel as it hadn't in so long. I then realized she really cared about me and I won't ever get to thank her enough for that. The truth is that I never thought I deserved such good treatment, nor of having someone like her as a friend. But she came into my life all of a sudden and I won't ever complain about that. I must thank that broken wire. 

Even today, I still can't understand how we became family friends (as we call it) so fast since we were so different. She would get straight As and independently of how hard I tried, I barely passed. She was a self perfectionist, while I was just looking for social acceptance. She usually said she wanted to grow as a person, and although she was perfect to me, she insisted and tried hard to become better in every way. About some more personality-related characteristics, she was one of the funniest people I had ever met and was able to make me laugh through the screen as well. Meanwhile, I had a dry sense of humour, or that's what I thought. She had this unique charisma I adored and looked up to, always fighting to get through the day. I was more of a coward, or that's how I saw myself, I must say.

Apart from the above, our appearance was different. We both had curly hair, but I would wear buns, braids, ponytails... etc. while she always came with her hair down. I was the palest out of us and didn't have a single freckle, while Evangeline's face was filled by them. She was by far skinnier than me and would look great in anything she wore, which I have to admit made me a bit insecure, but it's fine. She dressed casually, unlike me, who would rather wear cheap but elegant clothes.  She was the only one wearing glasses, and some big and jazzy earrings I would never wear. How funny that we would share clothes sometimes. However, we never shared footwear, because her feet were a couple of sizes bigger than mines, probably due to her being a bit taller than me.

At the same time, I learned that we had many things in common. I'd say we both were mature for our age, even if she was younger than me. We both worried about the world so much and would look forward to doing anything related to helping make its situation better. We were sensitive in general, but especially when it came to animals and injustice, which is why we both were vegan. Both of us were into this Korean group named Beyond The Scene's music, and we usually listened to their songs during the train rides. However, it is also true that she loved rap while I was more into classical music. We both liked to watch Sponge Bob together, although we were told to be so old for that. We gave no damns about that and even started planning a pyjama party where we would watch the Sponge Bob movie along with many more films.

Summarising, we were so different but got on so well that the differences between us didn't matter much after all. We were like the different poles of a magnet, the magnet being a metaphor of our friendship. I loved us and how we treated each other, how supportive and caring we were. Moreover, it was amazing to me how we became family friends in a matter of months. I learned a lot from Evangeline, and to be honest, I looked up to her so much. I envied the way she viewed the world and how she acted in difficult situations. She would always be the bravest out of us and the one to light me up. She was an amazing person in my eyes, I couldn't ask for anything else. If I had any problem, she was the first one I would ask for advice, but she never confessed many concerns to me, so I thought she was alright. But as the saying goes, everything is not what it seems, is it?

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