Drawn butterflies

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2:11 AM. I woke up in the middle of the night due to the strange sound I had heard. The sound could be heard from downstairs, and it was just as if a gust of wind had invaded the place. I'm not going to lie, I was lazy, but I also was curious about that strange sound, so the laziness didn't stop me. I tried to make no sounds as my parents were sleeping. I walked through the corridor in the middle of the darkness. I still don't know why I didn't switch the lights on, honestly. It felt like one of those scenes in every horror movie where there's this innocent soul slowly walking down the hall and gets scared by a monster, a ghost or whatever. It wasn't the case. I came by no monster or poltergeist, but I did find something. I saw something my eyes couldn't believe was real. 

The sound became more intense as I was getting nearer to the backyard. I first thought there was an owl or some type of animal that had entered. But I was wrong once again. The sound kept intensifying as I entered the place, but I couldn't tell where it was coming from. There were just the usual chairs and the table we had never used much. That was the moment I saw it. There was it, the door I had been working in for the longest time. I loved how it had turned out, I was truly proud of something I had done. I finally was proud of myself for once.

It seemed as if the sound came from the door. "But that's impossible, right?" I thought to myself. I couldn't understand what was happening, but I decided to open it as a reflex. What I saw once I did so left me absolutely speechless. I never thought I'd get to witness such a thing. There was it: a black hole instead of a normal one like every other door has. I closed it due to the surprise of finding its gravitational field so intense. As I could see it, the many mistakes I made while trying to solve the equations to get to another dimension, ended up being favourable and so created a portal to Tifity. Or that's what I thought.

Evangeline and I imagined Tifity as our rainbow paradise, where everything would be so colourful and beautiful. A place where there are a lot of rainbows through the day and so many shiny stars at night. Somewhere where we could take refuge and be together without having to worry about anything. Tifity was a place where we would be able to lay down on the grass and look at the animal-shaped clouds in the sky. It sounded like a dream to both of us, and after seeing that black hole I wondered if there was any chance for Tifity to become real. 

I was scared to, I'm not going to lie, but I decided to enter that black hole to see if it took me somewhere. I knew it was risky because as I had heard many times, no matter or radiation can escape from these regions of space. It could take me to some other place, or which is worse: just swallow me making this girl named Alexis disappear forever. However, I had nothing to lose, so I entered through what I called Boo's door. 


I don't know how much time had passed when I recovered consciousness. My head ached so much, I barely could open my eyes. I was a slave to the darkness of my eyelids. I could hear nothing, and I can recall thinking "how strange". Once I got to open my eyes, it just felt as if I was alone in an unknown place. The last thing I remembered was stepping through the door I had built, and I could not understand how I ended up in such a place where there was nothing. I started walking with no direction, but the only thing that could be seen was a showcase in the distance. I tried to run that way, but no matter how much or fast I ran, I would never reach it. I stopped to catch my breath, and the moment I looked up, I found out that the showcase was right in front of me. 

"What the actual-?" was the first thing that came to my mind. It had moved by itself and that just left me paralyzed. I was there, standing next to a random showcase that had its windows tinted. I thought I was in a dream or something, an object moving by itself could not be real, right? I was so immersed in my irrational thoughts when, all of a sudden, another unexpected thing occurred. The tint of the windows began to disappear and they became transparent. A huge old notebook appeared inside the mysterious cabinet. I had no clue about what I should do, but I swear on my heart that it felt as if that notebook was asking me to get it out of there.  Following its desire, I opened the showcase with great carefulness. "What could this rare thing have written on it?", I asked myself before even thinking about opening it. "What if it's a diary of some forgotten soul? Should I open it?". I didn't know where I was nor what that strange notebook had to do with me. I had no idea about why I ended up in such a black place where the only thing visible was that vitrine. Although I was feeling so lost and confused, I took the decision of opening that notepad (or whatever it was). 

I can't even explain how much of a shook I felt when I saw what was written in those pages. Or better said, what wasn't written on them. "Wait... it's blank?", I said surprised out loud. What was I supposed to do with that old book that had nothing than unwritten pages? I looked up to where the roof should be, but all I could witness was absolute darkness once again. Seconds after a fountain pen fell next to my feet, so I thought "what if I use it to draw something on this diary?". And I proceeded to draw the first thing that came to my mind: a butterfly. 

Believe me when I say I was astonished by what happened next. As soon as I finished drawing the butterfly, it came alive. A butterfly that I had just drawn in that notebook had come alive as if it was nothing. "I have to be hallucinating", I thought to myself. I thought I was dreaming or something, and to prove myself that what just happened was my imagination's creation, I decided to draw more butterflies. It got confirmed, anything I wrote or drew on that notebook came alive or appeared in front of my own eyes. That was when the idea occurred to me. I would transform that strangely dark dimension into Tifity. All I had to do was draw everything Evangeline and I had thought of, and boom; Tifity would exist.

With both the notebook and the pen in my hands, discovering how to get back was the only thing left.

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