If only

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It had been a week since Evangeline had been taken away to the psychiatric. I already missed her extremely much since day one, but as I told her, I would wait as much as needed. She was going to get better there, so I didn't mind waiting. At the same time, her being healthy weighted more than getting to see her while she was consuming herself. Because that's what was happening. Evangeline was slowly dying while she starved herself because her mind told her to do so. I won't lie, even nowadays, it still is so hard to understand why her mind played her so harshly. But I never thought of blaming or judging her for what she was doing to herself, of course not.

She told me this thing the last time we met. We were at the park, sitting on a bench. She tried to open up to me about the thoughts that were haunting her. "I just hate myself to the point where I have stopped eating. I think it's deeper than that though...", she said. "What do you mean?", I asked disconcerted. "It's hard for me to confess this to you, but I think I stopped eating with the hope of not waking up again some of these days". That comment left me speechless at first, although it shouldn't have, taking into account the fact that I hoped for the same. But I, of course, never told her about it, she had enough with her problems and thoughts. 

She continued to explain how bad the situation was and I did nothing but listen. I've never been so good at comforting people, but I'm all ears if someone wants to rant or let something out. "I feel like everything is my fault and that I could have stopped it if I had been more intelligent", she continued. I had no other option than leaving clear that she was sick, and that as catching a cold wasn't her fault, the anorexia nervosa thing wasn't either. I could tell she was about to have a breakdown right there, so was I. And that's when I came up with the Tifity thing.

Evangeline and I started imagining there was another dimension where we could escape to; Tifity. This new dimension to escape from reality had many characteristics we wanted it to have. We talked about it being a magical dimension where we could be anything we wanted. There would be no shops or traffic, just nature's beauty. A calm place full of trees for us to sit under, and also a park similar to the one we were talking at that morning. There would be soft music in the background too, playing nonstop. We decided Tifity to have a special fruit named wony. Wonies would be like passion fruits, but they would have a rainbow-ish skin instead. Along with these, different types of Oreos would be grown in some plants called oreers. That special fruit and Oreos where the only thing to eat at this new dimension.

Both Evangeline and I liked mystic stuff, so we talked about there being fairies and us being able to be witches, ghosts or whatever else we wanted to. "It'd be amazing if we could make potions right?" she said, and it indeed was a great idea. Imagine we could make any type of potions, or fly in the sky as ghosts. That made me think: "If only Tifity was real...".


As I've mentioned before, my grades were extremely low and being honest, I considered myself the dumbest for that. But I knew more than people my age about astronomy and engineering. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I was an expert at it, but I did know a couple of things. I was thinking of trying the craziest thing ever. I asked myself:  "what if Tifity was real by the time Evangeline gets out?". And my mind just replied: "what the hell are you thinking about? do you really think you can create a door that takes you to an imaginary dimension or something? You have to be mad to think that, idiot". It decided to bring me down once again, but although it wasn't going to be that day, I had decided it would happen. I, of course, didn't know when Evangeline would come back to my life, but as crazy as it sounded, I was going to try to make our dimension exist. I had no clue how, but I had to try. For Evangeline. 

I wasn't sure if it would work, as it seemed I had taken the idea from a fantastic book. I was also worried and afraid I wouldn't be able to even try it out if it turned out well because my mind had to make me doubt myself every single second. But I was going to start bitting some bullets and be brave enough to build this door that would take Evangeline and me to our dear imaginary Tifity. 

Before doing anything else, I had to get the materials and instrument I needed to take the project forward. I thought of looking for the door first. I looked for it near every container around, but I witnessed none. I also checked the old abandoned factory near our house to see if there was any I could take without anybody noticing. There wasn't a single one intact, all of them were broken or rotten, due to having been there for so long. I almost had lost all the hope of finding the door I needed, when I saw a man leaving these wooden boards next to the dump. "Hey!!" I shouted from ten metres away. The man turned around with a look of confusion and my heart started racing as it never had. "Are you going to need those, sir?" I asked him almost whispering. He didn't say anything in a whole minute and just stared at me with a "who are you?" face. Finally, he opened his mouth to say: "no stupid girl, I don't need them. Haven't you seen where I've left them?". I won't deny that comment was so mean of him, but I was glad I could take those boards with me, so I give it no importance at all.

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