An overhead adventure

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Tensaya welcomed us, just as he always did. "What's today's plan ladies?", he asked. The truth is that we had planned nothing but escaping from the real world, so we had no answer to his question. "It seems you both need some space to talk, so I'll be over there, okay? Just call me if you need anything, and I'll appear straight away", he continued. Moreover, he didn't just leave, he also helped us get in a floating cloud, so we could see everything from above. Tifity was so pretty, with all the rainbows, the green hills and the wonie trees altogether. 

"I'm all ears Evangeline" was the first thing I said, aiming to let her know I was ready to listen to everything she felt like sharing or getting out of her chest. "Listen, Al, I don't know if I should tell you this, but I've been having this thought about me not being enough or deserving of anything good in life and I'm mentally exhausted, honestly. I've come to the point where my life revolves around food. No matter how hard I try to forget about numbers and the obsession I have with being skinny, my brain always gets me and...". This is where she started crying out of desperation and burden. I could just imagine how hard it was for her to open up like that and I'm not proud of not having helped her earlier. She probably wouldn't have fallen that hard if I had been by her side all the time. But there's no point in blaming myself now, is there? I tried my best to calm her down and comfort her. It took her over one hour to stop crying, but she slowly calmed down. I was about to ask how could I help her when she, all of a sudden, said: "Thank you for listening to me, Alexis. I know you don't have the solution to my problems, nor did I expect you to have it. But it means a lot to me that you stand by me no matter what and I thought that you were the right person to tell all of this to. I hope I haven't hurt you too much...". There was a single thing I could have responded, and so I did. "Always, my dear boo".


After a couple of hours of constant talking, Evangeline was feeling better, and so was I. We called Tensaya and asked him for the notebook and the fountain pen. Us being aware of this probably being one of the latest times we'd get to spend in Tifity, we chose to play around with the notebook instead of doing the usual. I had had this idea of turning ourselves into fantastic creatures (as I liked to call them). I leant towards being a (visible) ghost, I'd always wanted to know how flying felt like. Furthermore, I didn't feel like converting myself into a pegasus. On the other hand, Evangeline turned herself into a witch. She confessed she'd always dreamed of creating different potions and making things float. One second she was preparing a potion for Tensaya to grow a long beard (he begged her to), the next she was making all the roses in the little garden dance while floating, just as the flowers in Alice in wonderland do. I was just contemplating my friend having fun with her potions and spells from the cloud. She seemed happier than ever as if she had no concerns at all. I couldn't wait for the day I saw her actually happy. 

 "Flying feels amazing", I thought. Sailing in the sky gave me this sensation of freedom and tranquillity I was lacking. Then I had the idea. I considered that both Evangeline and I needed to taste some fresh air, so I just went and asked her: "why don't you take your bewitched flying broom and join me on this overhead adventure?". She accepted unhesitatingly, and there we were, floating in that colourful heaven we stood so proud of having created. Tensaya joined us and started giving shape to the rainbows. He started writing our names in the sky and finished making the moulded rainbows come alive as some little floating creatures he named kosais. 

Kosais had a spherical head which looked just like a baseball ball, covered by a large mop of white hair. Their eyes were bright like candlelight and they lacked a nose. Their mouths were toothless and each kosai had a remarkably different speech from the rest. They had short but very flexible arms, which allowed them to reach anything without even moving from their place. All had legs, but their length was different when it came to each one of them. Even though being so tiny, they had unlimited energy. They would run in the air and jump from cloud to cloud having lots of fun and turning any raindrop into a dark shiny snowflake. 

It had never been snowy in Tifity, and both Evangeline and I were surprised by the type of snow kosais had created. Any snow that wasn't white, was absolutely unfamiliar to us, as to any other human being in the Earth. I couldn't help but ask myself if it would also be cold as the "normal" snow, so I went back to the floor and tried to touch it. I forgot ghosts can't touch anything for a second, and when Evangeline realized I was trying to do the impossible, she started laughing as loud as her lungs allowed her to. It was so hilarious that both of us fell to the floor because of the laughter. "Oh my, it's warm!", she exclaimed. I couldn't sense anything, so I asked Tensaya to turn me back into my usual form. Once he had, touching the obscure shiny snow was the first thing I did. My friend was right, it felt so warm, unlike the snow we were used to.

Our amazement maximized when the little guardian snapped his fingers and turned the day into night. All the green hills were covered by that exceptional snow that illuminated every corner of the place. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing, but nor could I still believe that Tifity was real even at that point. I was so focused on the snow that I didn't even notice that huge crack opening in the middle of the dimension. 

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