Making our universe

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With both the notebook and the pen in my hands, I was feeling very confused. I had been looking for a way to go back to the real world for hours, but I found myself lost in that dark dimension with no way back home. "Hello? does anybody hear me?", I said as loud as I could hoping somebody would hear me from the other side, but, of course, nothing happened. For some reason, I started feeling so lonely and unloved, and as usual, I had a huge breakdown. The tears falling down my cheeks wet the butterflies I had just drawn, causing the ink to crack and disappear. I was aware nobody would hear me cry, so for the first time in years I let it all out. My pain and sorrow left my mind and body for some seconds, and I felt in peace. It was then when I opened my eyes and saw the solution right in front of me.

"How could you be that blind?", I asked myself, going back to my usual thoughts. The solution had been there all the time. I took the fountain pen on my right hand and went a couple of pages ahead just to draw the door I had built, hoping that once it appeared I would be able to get back home. As soon as I finished drawing it, the door appeared without further delay, but when I ran to open it, there was nothing but a hole. As if we were talking about a common door. 

I was desperate at that point. I didn't know how to get out of there. The only thing I had left to try was writing on the notebook. I was sure that whatever I drew would appear in front of me, but I had no clue if a sentence would work as well. However, having no clue about what was about to happen, I proceeded to write the following sentence: "This door will take me back to the backyard at my house". I closed the door and waited for some minutes. I don't know how many times I opened and closed the door to check if any black hole appeared, but I can assure it was more than twenty times. I was about to cry and give up out of hopelessness when all of a sudden, de door opened by itself and swallowed me with no mercy.

By the time I realized I had entered a kind of spacial colour changing tunnel. I was floating and moving so fast towards another black hole that could be seen in the front. I don't know why, but I couldn't stop screaming, although it was the second time I was travelling through that tunnel called a wormhole. It took me like half a minute to get back home, and when I did I swear on my heart that I kissed the floor. I finally was out of that dark place. Now thinking of it, I guess I could have drawn a lamp or something so it wouldn't be that dark in there. It was a surprise for me when I looked at the clock and I saw that it still was 2:11 AM. "Does that mean time stops when I travel to this other dimension?", I asked myself. It was obvious that it did, but I still felt so shocked. I mean, according to google, time means "the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole". Another strange thing I had to add to my list; the time stopping along with the black hole in the door, the other dimension, the unique notebook and the fountain pen. 


It was crucial for me to be careful because if my dad caught me wandering in the middle of the night, it would be my end. I would wake up at 2 AM day after day to travel to the new dimension I had created. Don't ask me why I always chose that same time, I have no clue either. Although I didn't know when it was going to happen I was planning to have it all ready by the time Evangeline came back. That meant I had to go there every night and draw part of our universe, for Tifity to come alive. 

I thought I would start by adding some light to the place. I drew one star after the other just to make a sky. I continued to draw many hills, as Evangeline and I had talked about someplace to lie on and look at the starry night and the animal-shaped clouds. That seemed to be so relaxing, so I seriously was up to it. Trees were the next step, with rainbowish leaves and tall white trunks. These would be the ones that would give the special fruits we invented: wonies. We didn't have time to specify how wonies would look or taste, but I imagined them like some kind of huge colourful fruit with a very sweet and black inside. Both of us loved Oreos, so there, of course, had to be some type of plant that grew Oreos which tasted differently. My favourites were the peanut butter flavoured, while the red velvet ones were Evangeline's. 

While drawing all of these night after night, I felt I had the world in my hands. The idea of everything I drew or wrote in that notebook becoming real, had me speechless and amazed at the same time. I could draw whatever I wanted and boom: it would just appear in Tifity. I had a couple of things in mind to draw and describe, but my head started thinking by itself about something I should have given more importance to. It started wondering if things could be erased from the paper once these got painted. To check what happened in such a case, I decided to draw some colourful flowers, then took the eraser and tried to make the paper go blank again. It seemed to disappear at first, but in seconds every single flower reappeared back in its place. Taking into account what had just happened, I went to take the corrector thinking that would prevent them from staying there. 

I couldn't have been more surprised to see that instead of making the tiny flowers disappear, the corrector made them rot. The beautiful roses, daisies and sunflowers I had drawn looked absolutely lifeless. That meant I had to be careful about what I wrote in that notebook because I would never be able to erase or change anything without there being bad consequences.

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