Hidden wounds

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We arrived in Liverpool at three o'clock in the morning. Evangeline had fallen asleep on my shoulder and she seemed to be so comfortable that I was afraid of waking her up. She looked so calm with her eyes closed, just as if everything was okay and she wasn't sick at all. But little did we know she was at the time. 

I finally had to wake her up, and when I did she was just confused, probably because of the exhaustion. We both got off the train and started walking in her apartment's direction. She would not stop repeating that her mum wouldn't allow her to go out anymore after what she had done. I have to admit that I'd understand it if her mum punished her by making her stay at home for a while, as she gave no signs of being alive in many hours. At the same time, I must say I had as many fingers as possible crossed so she would not get punished in any way. I was hoping her mum would support her, just as she had done until then because she wasn't okay. No matter how many times she used the sentence "I'm fine", she needed help.

It took us around twenty minutes to get to her house. The lights could be seen switched on from the outside, probably because Evangeline's mother was waiting for her daughter to call her or get home. I couldn't even imagine which would be her mother's reaction once she knocked on the door of their little apartment. One of the two, she either would punish her for life or she would feel so relieved that she would cry and hug her so tightly. 

Just as expected, Evangeline opened the door to her mum saying "thank god you are alright!". They both hugged each other like there was no tomorrow. It looked as if her mum had thought she wouldn't be able to see her daughter again. "I'm extremely sorry mum, I'm sorry I disappeared just like that. I'm so sorry I made you suffer so much" she said. Evangeline continued apologizing for everything in tears while her mother was thanking me for taking her daughter home safe. "I cannot thank you enough for helping me find her Alexis. Thank you very much" she said. I was so glad Evangeline was finally home, but I was still confused. I didn't know what was happening to her at the time but I swear I couldn't have been more worried than I was.

Both mother and daughter couldn't stop crying and I thought it was time for me to leave; "See you soon Ev". I had no intention of ruining that mother-daughter moment, so I just turned around and started going downstairs. But Evangeline followed me and held my hand while she said: "I love you, Al, I promise we will meet soon". "I love you more Ev, please take care of yourself", I continued before letting her go and leaving.


It was 3:47 in the morning, and I still had to take the first train to Manchester and a bus to get home. That meant I would get home around 5:30, which I thought was extremely late. I thought of my parents at that moment, as I didn't give any signs of being alive either and my mum was surely very worried about me. Moreover, my dad would be so angry with me and would do what he always did when he was mad.

I felt like the most horrible daughter in the world for not letting my parents know where I was going nor who I was with. I didn't pick up the phone either, although I knew I should have. I had been missing for almost twelve hours by the time I got to Manchester, and I didn't know what to do or where to go. Yes, I should have gone home, but I was afraid to. I started walking with no direction while my mind took me somewhere else. I couldn't stop thinking about what my father was going to do to me once I got home... I was sure he would beat me harder than usual, especially taking into account that he surely was drunk, just as every Saturday Dawn. He would just use his fists, but those were more than enough to make me bleed and leave me bruised, which is what he wanted. It was even worse when my brother joined him. They both were so careful even being extra drunk; they would not hit me on the face, so nobody else than my "family" would get to see the wounds and bruises. Now thinking of it, I find it ironic how I tried to hide them instead of asking for help. 

I couldn't have handled such treatment that day after everything that had happened with Evangeline, so I decided to call my mum. I knew it was too late to avoid being punished, but I thought I would at least be able to avoid being beaten just for once. If my mum picked up the phone without making so much noise at home I'd be able to step in without my father or brother noticing. But I needed her to be awake for that... My phone gave no signal at first nor during the next half an hour. I was getting anxious and I couldn't help but be scared of what was about to happen to me. My tricky mind made me believe my mum had switched off the phone as revenge for not picking up some hours earlier. Seeing how the situation presented itself, I decided to start walking towards home. I had no clue how things would end for me that day, but I was sure that the beating of the century would take place that night, or better said that morning.

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