The Priest's Final Declaration

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3rd POV
Priest: with a new vessel for the Goddess, she shall be reborn!
Pyrrha punched the man in the face as the boat continued moving quickly across the surface, the storm clouds slowly following it.
Priest: you won't feel this way when the Goddess is within you.
Pyrrha: you don't have to do this, there are people out there who are willing to kill for less. I don't want to hurt you.
Priest: and you won't, with her divine grace, I will be alive forever.
The moment he said this Y/N, in his transformation lunged onto the boat as Pyrrha watched, holding onto a seat that was nailed into the ground. The priest held onto the doorway, his grip slipping as he used his other hand and grabbed Pyrrha's ankle.
Pyrrha: let off!
She kicked him hard in the fingers, making him let go and slid towards Y/N. He kicked at Y/N's face, doing nothing to the transformed Y/N. His gills on the side of his neck began to turn white before opening his mouth
Priest: Goddess protect me!
The massive creature bit down onto the priest, the sound of skin tearing and the bone cracking, the priest yelled out in pain, his voice being heard from the other boat.
Yang: what the hell is going on?
Ozpin pulled the knife from his ribs and let out a deep breath.
Ozpin: it seems.....Y/N got what he came here for.
Jaune: and what's that exactly?
Ozpin: Revenge
Y/N began to move his head, the priest only had to look at Death. He grabbed a knife and began to stab at Y/N. He kept trying to stab only for it to just bend the knife as the man continued to scream out in pain. The jaws then went deeper, the sound of the bones breaking were heard as blood shot up from the Priest's mouth as he was dragged into the water.
Ozpin: and well.....that handles the Priest.
The Priestess watched as her comrade was pulled into a massive pool of blood. Pyrrha looked in horror as the boat began to sink, the damage at the end with the Priest being killed put a number on the boat. She looked around as Y/N re-emerged from the water and looked at her, quickly grabbing her and diving below. Everyone on the ship watched as the boat continued to sink, and Pyrrha was thrown overboard, soaking wet and in complete shock.
Yang: are you ok?
Pyrrha: I just had a fish slap me in the face we were moving so fast.......
Y/N's transformed hand pulled him up and he went onto the ship, then turning to The Priestess and smirking. He then grabbed the blonde by her hair and dragged her over to the side of the boat and started pointing at the smaller fishing boat her friend to escape on.
He not only had his revenge, but he was shoving her face in it. The storm above however, disappeared.

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