The Priestess Vs. Y/N

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3rd POV
Y/N roared out as he slammed his hand against the tree as The Priestess dodged it. From what appeared to be thin air she pulled out three blades and threw them at Y/N, who put his arm up to block them. He lowered his arm slightly to show his eyes and a little bit of his mouth, in his transformed state he still smirked.
The blades all began to glow red and hum, Y/N's eyes then widening as they all blew up instantaneously. The Priestess placed her arms to her sides like a cross, a red light came from the sky, and her wounds began to heal. Y/N slashed through the smoke and roared out before unleashing a fire blast, the flames going around the red light though and keeping The Priestess safe.
Priestess: her power surrounds me, your flame will do not-
Before she could finish her sentence she was smacked to the side with the tail of Y/N, before he let out another massive roar.
Grace: does anyone see Y/N down there? I last saw him with that lady.
Pyrrha looked out the window, no sign of him, only The Priestess getting up, along with a rock being thrown at said Priestess.
Pyrrha: this doesn't make any.....wait....what if....
Glynda: what?
Pyrrha: Y/N's semblance!
Nora: I don't get.
Pyrrha: remember in class with the Boartubusk, how he completely lost it, even with some of us trying to calm him down.
Ren: you think that Y/N transformed into some monster?
Pyrrha: I mean, it makes sense....I just want to know how long he knew....and why he never used it before, even in times he absolutely needed it, he would always just.....take the hits or avoid. I tried helping him find his semblance but he was never happy about it.
Ren: what if he just found out?
Glynda: semblances do work in mysterious ways.
Pyrrha: I'll talk to him when he is finished.
Y/N roared as The Priestess pulled out a sword and ran her finger along it.
Priestess: come with me! The Goddess loves the skin fresh!
Y/N grabbed The Priestess and roared out, she quickly spun the sword and brought it through Y/N's hand, making him roar out in pain before she was thrown into the Bullhead, then hitting the ground hard.
The Priestess began to push herself up, the wind began to blow as Y/N took a massive step, his tail sliding across the blades of grass. She pulled out more blades and threw them at Y/N, all of them blowing up the moment they made contact with his skin.
Priestess: I refuse to be damaged like this anymore! Don't you want to see the power of her grace, she can give much power. All you must provide her a seed, a seed for unlimited power and the name and your power to live on for.
Y/N roared as he charged at The Priestess, she went to dodge, only for her ankle to be grabbed and for her to be thrown to the ground. She yelled out in pain as Y/N began to walk around her, like an alpha bull, snorting and moving, waiting for his opponent to make the next move. The wind blew again, the grass blades rubbing against The Priestess' exposed skin as she heard something.
?????: don't worry my daughter....he can be bruised more....he is not ripe.....yet anyway.
She smirked as she then got up, Y/N went to attack, only for something to slash at his hand, he wasn't sure and he backed away, looking around wild eyed.
Priestess: The your downfall.
A breeze went by and it was like a slash across the chest with a sword, causing Y/N to roar out in pain.
Pyrrha: what's happening down there?!

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