Beacon Academy

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3rd POV
Y/N continued sleeping as Pyrrha remained silent, not wanting to wake him up. She looked at him and slowly reached into his pockets and pulled out his cigarettes before hiding them in her coat.
?????: isn't that stealing?
She looked to see a boy with brown hair.
Pyrrha: believe me, I'm saving him if I take them.
?????: you know he's probably going to lose his mind about those, I mean my ex had to quit smoking and she threatened to rip my thumb off and use it as a blunt.
Pyrrha: I never caught your name.
?????: it's Cardin Winchester....I want to be a huntsman, what about you?
Pyrrha: Pyrrha Nikos, I want to be a huntress.
Cardin: I swear I've heard that name're the cereal mascot right?
Pyrrha: yeah.....just sadly they aren't healthy.
Cardin: healthier than a cigarette, that's for certain.
While still unconscious Y/N grabbed the pack of cigarettes from her hand and placed them back into his pocket, adjusted himself and continued sleeping.
Cardin: something I want to learn to do.
Time skip 20 minutes
A hologram appeared, it was Glynda Goodwitch.
Glynda: hello.....I am Glynda Goodwitch, I wanted to tell you a little about Beacon. An academy that teachers hunters and huntresses to survive in the cruel world of Remnant, utilizing your semblances, aura and dust. At this time you should be preparing to land soon, I will be seeing you all when the time is right....which should be at Professor Ozpin's speech.
Something caught Pyrrha's eyes, she then stood up and walked over to the window and saw the academy.
Pyrrha: Y/N, wake up, we're almost there.
Y/N: no.
Pyrrha: come on Y/N.
Y/N sighed before standing up, pulling a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it.
Y/N: let's get this done.
The other students, along with Pyrrha and Y/N walked out of the ship and looked at the academy.
Pyrrha: look at that Y/N, Beacon Academy, aren't you excited?
Y/N: perhaps.
He blew out a cloud of smoke as they both began walking towards the academy.
Pyrrha: what should we do first?
Y/N: go to that meeting.
Y/N then stopped as he felt a massive pain in his stomach, then looking at his wrist to see his veins were blackened.
Pyrrha: what's wrong?
Y/N: I'll be right back, my uh.....breakfast isn't agreeing with me.
He began walking quick towards the academy, making a sharp turn towards the male's restroom. Pyrrha walked to it and stood outside.
Pyrrha: do you need any help?
Y/N *muffled*: NO!
He began throwing up into one of the seats, his veins slowly returning to their normal color.
Pyrrha: are you sure? You sound horrible.
Y/N: go talk to peop-
He was cut off with another shot into the toilet before coughing hard. He looked back at his veins and saw they've returned to their normal color. He then stood up and walked over to the sink and planted both hands on it. He took his hand and turned on the faucet and began splashing the water in his face. He then looked at the mirror to see a massive silhouette looking at him, with neon orange eyes.
Y/N: what the hell?
The door then knocked, a male voice was heard.
?????: hello? Are you alright?
Y/N: I'm fine......just need to collect myself.
?????: well I already gave my speech, I'm afraid you missed it.
Y/N: how long was I in here? Who the hell are you?
?????: 20 minutes, and I am professor Ozpin.
Y/N had a look of confusion on his face before looking back at the mirror.
Y/N: twenty minutes?

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