Unknown Individuals

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3rd POV
Y/N looked at the blonde female, putting his arm in front of Grace.
Y/N: Grace....get out of here.
Grace: but-
Grace quickly ran off, leaving the woman alone with Y/N.
Y/N: the hell do I call you?
?????: I am.....The Priestess.
Y/N: and what are you here for?
Priestess: to cleanse for the Goddess. Through pain you will be able to accept her grace.
Y/N: you think your pain will have any effect on me?
Priestess: it will.
Y/N's skin began to turn black as his nails began to turn.
Y/N: that's something you don't understand, from the moment I've been born, I've known nothing but pain.
His eyes turned to a neon orange/red mix, along with the innards of his mouth. His shoulder blades pushed out and shot through his skin, blood flying out and causing a quick shower.
Y/N: but now.....
He grew a tail and smashed it down on the ground as he grew larger.
Y/N: I am that pain.
His face finished transforming before letting off a deep growl. His eyes opened wide as he stood up straight and let out a massive roar, the sound waves being heard moving around it.

 His eyes opened wide as he stood up straight and let out a massive roar, the sound waves being heard moving around it

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(Gotta love the Goliath Design)

The scroll fell to the ground, still recording everything.
Priestess: the Goddess will protect me, your heart is filled with darkness.....and she will help me cleanse it.
The roar was heard through the forest, catching the attention of everyone.
Pyrrha: what was that? Where's Y/N?
The sound of running was heard, causing Glynda to walk past the teams and squinted to see the brush moving frantically. Beowulves shot from the brush and ran past all of the teams, fear was in their movement, something a creature of darkness should never feel.
Glynda: Students! Back to the bullhead!
The students grabbed the jars of sap and began moving towards the Airhead.
Pyrrha: where's Y/N?
Glynda: he's a professional he can handle himse-
The sound of the roar was heard again, followed by two high pitched sounds, a flame being shot in the distance. The students were piling onto the Bullhead, the pilot quickly flipping some switches and pressing buttons. The Bullhead then took off and hovered.
Pilot: alright, we're in the air, we need to get out of here.
Grace: wait!
She quickly ran to the hovering Bullhead and jumped on, pulling herself up.
Glynda: fly us out of here!
Pilot: yes ma'am.
Y/N stood tall and roared as the Bullhead smoked against the tree. Pyrrha pulled herself up with Jaune as they saw Y/N, in his monster form, not even knowing its him, looking down at a blonde female.
Pyrrha: what.....is that thing?
Glynda: wait....you don't know?
Pyrrha: know what?
Y/N roared at the Priestess as it picked up a rock and threw it out her.
Priestess: the Goddess will enjoy you. She will bed you until you can't walk anymore, you're strong and will give her a spawn.
Y/N looked at her with annoyance before roaring again, then firing a blast of flames. The Priestess put two fingers up, causing the flames to go around her.
Priestess: she will plunge you into lust!
Y/N ran towards her and slashed downwards, though the Priestess gracefully dodged and kicked Y/N in the hand, somehow it surprisingly stung.
Priestess: her grace provides me with the power I need to bring you down.
Y/N then grabbed her and let off a growl.
Priestess: might have gotten a little cocky with that one.
Y/N roared out and threw her against the tree, breaking it and causing her to bleed.

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