Bed Rest

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3rd POV
Y/N woke up in the hospital bed breathing heavily, then grabbing the heart beat monitor and throwing it to the ground.
Y/N: where is that bitch?!
He felt two hands go against his chest, it was Pyrrha, she looked at him calmingly with her green eyes staring into his soul.
Y/N: oh....what did I miss?
Pyrrha: you are in the emergency room, they said you need bed rest as those wounds heal.
Y/N: wounds? What are you talking ab- oh my God! My arm! My chest! Where else am I burned Pyrrha?!
Pyrrha: all the other areas are healed from your Aura....though for some reason these burns specifically are taking a lot longer. They've certainly healed since we came here, but even then.....
Y/N: damn.
Pyrrha: do you remember anything?
Y/N: bitch in robes, a bunch of nuts behind her, along with rockets.
Pyrrha: I hope you don't mind that we looked through your scroll.
Y/N's eyes widened.
Y/N: what did you find?
Pyrrha: I don't care that you have Upton saved, we wanted to see the footage of your fight with that woman.
Y/N: was there anything useful?
Pyrrha: besides her praying a lot and the both of you going over it during the fight every so often, there was nothing.
Y/N: can I have my scroll back? I want to see Upton again.
Pyrrha: oh Y/N.
Y/N: well now that you know, I might as well do my deed.
Pyrrha walked out of the room with a slight smile. Immediately after she left a cop walked in and sat down.
Officer Jersey: alright....tell me what happened?
Y/N: of course she got the cops involved.
Officer Jersey: don't worry about me, just trying to do my job.


Pyrrha and the rest of Team JNPR walked into the hospital room to see that Y/N was gone.
Pyrrha: where could he have gone now?


Grace: you should be in bed Y/N.
Y/N: yeah, have a light?
Grace: no.
Y/N: damn....I need a cigarette.
The two walked to an open area, there were cans set up.
Grace: did you set this up?
Y/N: back when Beacon first started up I set it up when I worked with my semblance more.... now realizing that I can't really use it. Now pick up your weapon.
Grace pulled her weapon out, the gun parts on.
Y/N: alright Grace, take your shot.
Grace: well uh.....when you aren't angry or smoking you have a really nice smile.
Y/N looked at her.
Y/N: with the gun Grace
Grace: Oh right.
She aimed the weapon at the cans and shot one of them, missing and hitting a squirrel.
Y/N: you know Grace.....that was a living creature who probably wanted to get laid one last just messed him up.
Grace: sorry.
Y/N: again....this time don't shoot a squirrel.
She fired again, this time the sound of a deer was screaming. Y/N slowly put his hand to his head.
Y/N: I'm afraid to say it....but again.
Grace: why did you really bring me out here?
Y/N: so if we ever end up doing anything I don't have to die. Now again.
Grace: what if I shoot another animal?
Y/N: well you already killed a squirrel and castrated a deer, what else can you do?
Grace aimed the gun and fired again, this time a bird falling from a tree.
Y/N: how the fuck?

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