Chapter 7: When The Hamsters Come Out To Play

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Chapter 7: When The Hamsters Come Out To Play

"It's nothing, Trisha. We're just having relationship troubles. Not everyone is perfect." Aubrey spoke to the laptop screen

"I knew you couldn't keep a college guy. I should have given him to Alaine or something. I heard she's a tiger in bed." The blonde spoke back

From Aubrey's facial expression I could tell she was crushed. Silence filled the air and the girl spoke again when she heard the silence.

"Don't tell me I hurt your little feelings, Aubrey. Society is cruel. You'll get over it. Talk to you tomorrow." The red button on the screen glowed and it went back onto the contacts page.

I watched as Aubrey slammed the laptop top down in anger. Tears rushed down her cheeks. Something had to happen. She was on Skype two in the morning and balling her eyes out. I came out from hiding and watched her eyes dart to my feet before she turned away quickly to fix herself.

"Aubrey? I heard everything. I think it's  time we talked." I said spinning her chair around so she could face me.

"This doesn't involve you, Cerise." She says about to get up, but with a slight push she falls back into the chair.

"Haven't you ruined my life enough?"

"Don't blame your break up on me. Those girls aren't your friends, Aubrey. I am. Heck, I'm your sister! We're suppose to  look out for each other!"

She sat there with a bewildered expression. I had never been one to unleash all that on a person. But right about now, I was truly angry. She then relaxed and sighed.

"We went to this club. Ramona, Cherry, Dirk and two other guys." She started

"Underage club?" I asked dryly. I wasn't surprised. Aubrey's friend Cherry might have been a dumb brunette, but she was a master at fake I.D's.

She nodded. "Things got a little out of hand. Ramona got drunk and Fabian insisted that he dropped her home, but I didn't want him too. Even though Ramona can't stick to one guy, she's a great friend and I wouldn't want anything to happen to her."

I listened attentively as she spoke. That thing about Ramona was definitely true.

"So Dirk told me to let him carry her, I didn't listen. Ramona was singing all over the place. So then Dirk and I started arguing about the matter. Then the owners put us out. So they asked Ramona who she wanted go with. She wasn't thinking well. Under the control of alcohol and she chose Fabian. They left me after my tantrum, including Dirk. And he called me this morning."

"And broke up with you?"

She sniffed which I'm assuming was a 'yes' that answered my question.

"Well, guess what? Dirk is a Dirk. " I laughed knowing she knew what I meant, but I hated swearing or any related words. What? Remember; we're talking about a girl whose afraid of clowns here.

Aubrey managed a slight smile at my comment.

"I'm really sorry." She apologizes. "For everything."

"Its okay. Just know that I'm your sister and you can come to me with anything." I smiled, turning to leave.

"Did - Did they find the people who broke in?" She asked

I stopped and turned around.

"Not all, but they will. Get some rest and remember;  there are a lot of fish in the sea." I add with a wink leaving for good this time.

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