Chapter 3 : Let the Cupcake Apocalypse Begin.

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Chapter 3 : Let The Cupcake Apocalypse Begin

"I wonder if I'm on your mind as much as you're on mine." - Anonymous

I hardly felt the pain when the back of my head connected with the combination knob of one of the lockers behind me. I was in too much shock. This was a nightmare come to reality.

"Who wrote it? Tell me now!" Serena demanded

Whispers spread through the confused crowd in front of us.

"So help me if you don't confess now I will ruin you more than I intend to." Serena's voice thundered.

"Look, babe. Calm down." Carter sighed running his fingers through his hair

Honestly, I'd actually be smiling like an idiot right now at how cute he looked if I wasn't so scared to death knowing not only he read the letter but Serena had now knew about it.

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down! You're my boyfriend, Carter! And you now tell me about it! This is absurd!"

Ooh..Big word, Serena.

Apparently when she was angry she tended to look smart. But right after all this died down and you asked her what it meant she probably wouldn't know. Having the I.Q of a goldfish and all.

"When you get more serious about our relationship then come and talk to me." And with a hair flip Serena marched off.

The crowd dispersed and Carter shook his head. To him Serena was just overreacting and jealous. He showed no interest in even following behind her. This letter was the only thing that was on his mind. I turned to Kelly who had a entertained smirk on her face.

"Don't you just love seeing Serena Eagan's pissed face? Like they say: whenever Serena's mad a fairy is born" Kelly says jokingly walking back towards her locker.

I didn't say a word. I still couldn't get over what just happened. I stood there dumbfounded.

"Who do you think wrote the letter?" Kelly asks me as she does her locker combination

That question then jolts me back to reality. As long as Kelly and I've been best friends I don't think I've ever told her about the letters. Or even that I like him. But Kelly has told me millions of stories about guys who shes liked over the years and I've been the third wheel most of the times. But the fact that I never told her was really weird. What kind of friend was I?

But I surely wasn't starting today.

"Why do you think someone wrote it?" I brainlessly ask her.

"Earth to Cerise. It couldn't just magically write itself." She says sarcastically as her locker squeaks open.

"Right." I rub my arm sheepishly and turn towards my locker.

I begin turning the knob of my locker slowly sensing her frown in the corner of my eyes. If I know Kelly correctly she's so persistent she won't stop until I tell her what's wrong. I turn back to face her with the most fake ridden smile I could plaster.

"Is there something wrong? Do I have something on my face?"

She shook her head, but still didn't take her eyes off of me.

I ignored her and started shuffling through my locker searching for the pen I borrowed from her. The exact pen I wrote the love letter with. I turn to Kelly again to ask her for it not remembering if I had accidentally gave it to her, but the question that comes out of her mouth is not one I'm prepared for.

"You wrote it, didn't you?"

Before I could sum up the falsest lie out there, the bell rung. I grabbed my history books out of my locker and then turn towards Kelly.

The Nerd Owes Me Cupcakes [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now