Chapter 35

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Today was the day.

The day of the kage summit. Including many other villages joining in. Today was the day I got my family. The beginning of the war for peace. The beginning of my revenge. Today was quite hectic to say the least. Walking down the streets I've noticed.

This village really did love us. They were all preparing for this war. They all were prepared to see this battle. They all wanted us Jinchuriki to win. They were all prepared for the outcome. Which made me happy. They wanted us to win. They were seeking peace for us. They cared for us!

The feeling of having amazing allies. It felt awesome. To believe they were fighting by our side. Its even more awesome. Finally. Walking down the path with my family walking up to my side. I smiled a real smile. We all walked down to the summit. Sneaking into the building. Well it was our main goal. Turns out it was absolutely childs play. Who the fuck doesn't protect a meeting room which would be full of Kages!?

'These people are fucking dumbasses.'

Shaking my head I sighed in disbelief. Before all of us split off a bit. Knowing we were still close by each other. Gaara and I hid above the doorway. While Utakata and Fuu hid in the roof. While Han and Roshi hid within the walls. Which was quite impressive. After we all got situated and were ready to go. Someone walked in. Scratch that. HE walked in.

Minato's Pov:

I walked into the room we would be holding the summit. Looking around I noticed I was the first one here. Today I brought my greatest allies. Inochi and Shikaku. They were my best ninja at the moment. So I brought them along. Only leaving the third member behind. Also known as Choza. They thought the two would be fine.

Walking to my seat I sit down. Just in time too as another Kage came in. Looking back I noticed who it was immediately.

"Hello Tsuchikage. You came here early. Not a surprise though. You must be upset about your missing Jinchuriki as well." I stated. I watched as he got more upset. Causing me to stifle a laugh under my breath.

"Don't act all high and mighty Minato. You are the one who lost yours first after all." He tells me before sitting down in his chair. I slam my fist on the table. Catching their attention I growled.

"That boy is gonna get his. I will get my Jinchuriki back Tsuchikage. The question is. Will you get yours back?" I mocked him. Making the old man more upset.

"Are you threatening me Hokage? That won't do well in this situation. You won't gain any allies that way." He states before the door opened once more. The Raikage walking inside the room. Looking around he sighs. Before sitting in his seat.

"Tsuchikage, Hokage." He says. Before another person walks inside the room.

"It seems not all of the kages have appeared yet." Some of the smaller village leaders came in the room. They all sit down. I sighed in disbelief.

'So they actually came? I can't fucking believe this. They won't even be able to do anything. So why the fuck do they come. Ughh. More the merrier I guess. Maybe we can use them as bait. Let them die as we attack from behind.. Yea lets go with that...'

Nodding my head I hear the door open once more. The rest of the smaller village leaders coming inside. Yet the Kazekage and Mizukage haven't made it yet. Sighing once more I drank some of my tea. Before observing everyone there. I noticed the other kages doing the same.

We all waited a bit more when the door opened again. This time the Kazekage came inside the room. He nods his head before sitting down. When the door almost closed shut. A hand stopped it. The door opening to see the Mizukage. Smiling in relief I knew that the meeting could finally start.

Normal no pov:

"Okay! So everyone is now here. So lets get this meeting started. Shall we?" Minato says happily as he clapped his hands. Everyone nodded their head. So he continued onwards.

The hidden jinchuriki watched the meeting. Naruto warns them about Inochi. They nodded in understanding. Through out the meeting Naruto warns them about everyone's abilities.

"So you all are probably wondering what this is about. So I will explain the situation to everyone. Recently or more like almost a year ago. My jinchuriki Naruto escaped from the village. Taking many of my shinobi with him. Later on he broke into Suna. Stealing their Jinchuriki also known as Gaara. We wouldn't be really worried. Except for the fact that these two boys are the Kazekages son and my son. We also have word that he just stole the Tsuchikage's two jinchuriki. We believe that they are planning something." After saying this a hand goes up. Looking at the hand in surprise. It was a smaller village leader. I nodded and signalled him to speak. He stands up and talks.

"My village also had a jinchuriki. Those two boys stole her from us. It was also almost a year ago. My jinchuriki was the seven tails also known a Fuu. I will help you if you help me get my Jinchuriki back." He tells us. Making everyone gasp in surprise. Along with me.

'Wait a minute. That would mean.'

"So the boy has five jinchuriki with him. This is quite dangerous. We need to stop them before it gets out of hand. How many more jinchuriki are there now?" Someone says.

"There's four more jinchuriki. If they get the rest of them. We wouldn't be able to fight back. They would be too strong." The Kazekage states. Before he rub his head stressed out a bit. I laughed surprising everyone.

"Yet we have the upper hand. Naruto had a little sister figure. I faked it where it looked like she passed away. Yet once he realises she's alive. He won't have no choice but to give up and surrender." Minato told them. They all gasped in surprise. While some of them smiled in mischief. Mostly Minato and the Kazekage.

Naruto glares at the kages. Tears threatening to pour out. Yet he silently made a letter sending it off. Making a group at his village deal with the problem. Telling them to look in the dungeons and everywhere. As my summon dissappeared we listened some more. Knowing we will appear in the room soon.

"So you are saying you lied and hid someone away?" The Tsuchikage states glaring at the Hokage. Minato frowned and glared back at him.

"What are you implying?" Minato asks in a low and threatening voice.

"Wouldn't that make you just as bad?" The Tsuchikage states before something happens.

A/N. Is everyone ready? Something huge is about to happen. The war is about to start. Are you ready for it? Cause I am so excited. This is gonna be so fun to write. Yet I am sad that this story is ending. :(  What are you guys feeling? I hope you guys like it. Anyways see you in the next chapter! Bye!!
Have an amazing night/morning!! Lol just realised it was a cliffhanger.. Sorry. Yet its early!

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