Chapter 30

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Its been several days now. We were finally at Iwagakure for the four and five tailed jinchuriki's. This time we sent a note to them in advance. So they were already packed and ready to go.

We ran through the lands. Making sure no one saw us. Passing by endless lands as I watched it all go by. Holding onto Gaara's hand as I ran. That's when I saw a bird flying above us. We all stopped and I held out my arm. The bird flying onto it and I grabbed the note. Opening it up in the process the bird flying to Gaara's arm. I quietly read the note. It was from my Anbu.

The Note:

Hello Uzukage. We have done what you have asked of us. Watching the 'Hokage' something has come to our attention. Something we figured you would like to know. We believe that the Hokage has been talking to the sand. They are planning on making counsel meeting about the jinchuriki.

This meeting is supposed to be going on in two weeks. Yet it hasn't been decided yet. Since not everyone has agreed to it. We wanted to know what we should do about this. Since the sand has already agreed. The only ones not agreeing is the Raikage and the Mizukage. We continue to watch them in case anything changes.


Your Anbu

I growled at the news.

'That motherfucker! How could he do this shit!'

I tell my group and they panicked a bit. Yet I stood up and told them my plan.

"Okay everyone-" I started to say something but everyone freaks out.

"What are we supposed to do!?" Gaara says looking at me worried.

"Gu-" I go to speak but get cut off.

"How are we supposed to get everything done!?" Utakata yells scared.

"Guy-" I try to speak again. Only for me to get cut off again.

"We're screwed!" Fuu yells and fall to her knees.

"Guys!" I yelled. Everyone stops and looks at me. I sighed a bit at them.

"Don't worry to much. I have a plan. Theu still don't know about what we are doing. Plus we are already here for our next family members. They don't know that. The Mizukage hasn't agreed to the meeting neither has the Raikage. I warned you ahead of time about everyone coming after us. No one will agree for the meeting.  Well until they find out the Mizukage is missing. By then we should already be grabbing the two tails and eight tails. If not we always have plan B." I tell them. I watched as they all calmed down. I sighed in relief.

Running forward once more we make it to the meeting place. Yet we met something we weren't expecting. The Tsuchikage floating there waiting for us. He looked grumpy but I heard he's always like that. Our family stood there emotionless. I walked forward and stood in front of them. My family behind me. Han and Roshi goes behind me. Yet no one makes a move to stop them. The Tsuchikage just sighs in response.

"You know that the Hokage and Kazekage wants your heads. They are really angry. They wanted to have a Kage summit. Even though I agreed to one. Its not for me to join this war on their side. I want to gain some information from them. I used to think of you jinchuriki as weapons. Yet that all changed when I met the beast and you guys myself. I want to join this war. Not as your enemy but as your guys alley. I wish to gain information and send it to you. Will you allow it Uzukage?" The Tsuchikage asks holding out his hand. I nodded my head shocked. I felt no negative emotions from him. Han and Roshi seemed happy and comfortable with this guy. So I shook his hand.

"My name is Onoki. I can't say that Han and Roshi had the best life here. Yet I tried my best to protect them. I went through my whole village taking out the ill willed ones. So everyone against you all is gone from my village. Iwagakure is now fully an alley with you guys. You guys can take Han and Roshi. I will not do anything about it. It's their choice and they want to go." Onoki says with a smile.

"Nice to meet you Onoki. Uzugakure will gladly be your alley. We hope for your assistance in the future. My village has been slowly building upwards. Yet it is not yet fully completed. It should be done before the war. Since you kindly let us have Han and Roshi. We will do something for you. Before the war begins. I will put seals around your village. For protection and security. It will help you greatly." I told him. He smiles at me and shook my hand.

"Thank you Uzukage. You should get going. I don't were your going next. Yet you should hurry. I just got news. Hoshigakure and Kusagakure has agreed to the summit." He tells me I looked confused. He takes notice of this.

"What's wrong?" He asks me.

"I heard that everyone already agreed to the summit. My anbu told me this." I told him confused.

"Maybe they are basing it off the main Kages? If so.. Konoha, Suna and I have agreed to the summit. While Kumo and Kiri has been refusing the summit. Then the other small villages haven't replied yet. After the Mizukage and Raikage reply we will automatically have the summit. Weather the others reply or not doesn't matter." Onoki says to me. I looked a little worried. Onoki sighs a bit.

"You have nothing to worry about. As long as the Mizukage doesn't agree then they won't have the summit. All five Kages have to agree to the summit." Onoki waves off my family. They get the idea and leave us alone. I put a sealing around us so no one can hear.

"My plan it won't work then." I say to him. Onoki notices my sad look.

"You were planning on getting the Mizukage first. Don't." He tells me. I looked up at him. I was about to say something but he cut me off.

"They would start the summit. The Raikage always brings his jinchuriki with him. Maybe to brag or something. This would cause problems for you if you are surround by all the kages." Onoki tells me. Yet I smirked a bit.

"Wait all the the Jinchuriki will be there right?" I asked him smirking a bit. Onoki looks confused but nods anyway.

A/N I got bored so early update. Umm really early update. I just posted yesterday... Anyways enjoy everyone! I just finished writing this today. :)

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