Chapter 7

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We sat there talking and laughing. Then we noticed it was noon.

"Welp. I guess we couldn't do the test, but I like you guys. So you pass! You guys have your teamwork down and that was the whole point of the test. Soo... We start missions tomorrow." He told us.

We all smiled and thanked him. We all knew that he failed every team he got. So this is an achievement. So as we walked away we smiled really big. Deciding that this deserved a celebration.

We headed towards the all you can eat barbecue. On our way there we met the other teams. They were confused by our appearances. So they never talked to us thinking we were someone else.

So, we decided to walk up to them first. Surprise was all you could see.

"Hey guys long time no see." I say to them. They just stared at us.

"Um do we know you?" They asked us. Which caused the three of us to burst in laughter.

"They don't recognize us! Hahahaha! The henges worked wonders!!" We yelled laughing.

They all looked at us very confused. We all just laughed even more.

"Let's introduce ourselves again." Sakura said. We nodded while the group waited for us to do it. I walked forward.

"Hello. My name is Naruto Uzumaki. Nice to meet you." I tell them. Their jaws dropped. Sasuke then walks up beside me to introduce himself. He smiled and rapped his arm around me.

"Hello. My name is Sasuke Uchiha. Stay away from Naru he's ours." He smiled but growled at them. Sakura then skips up to us. We made room in between us. Which she gladly joined us giggling.

"Hello. My name is Sakura Haruno. Stay the hell away from Naru and Sasu!" She growled at the group. They stared at us. While we chuckled at Sakura.

"What the hell!?" Ino yelled. We laughed at her reaction.

"We hid what we truly looked liked and acted like. Duh." I say sarcastically.

The three of us left them standing there. We went inside the restaurant and asked for a table. The waitress walked us to our table. The teams finally realizing and joined us. Which was the moment I was ordering.

"Can we get as much meat and vegetables you have?" I asked her. She smiled and nodded. While everyone but Saku and Sasu stared at me in shock. Well Choji too he just smiled really big. We all loved our food so it wasn't a surprise to me.

We got the food. That was when everyone wanted to talk.

"So Naruto? That persona you had was all fake the whole time?" Ino asked me looking confused. I laughed at her when she asked me.

"Yeah. Everything was fake. I actually hate the color orange and don't really like ramen all that much. I don't want to be hokage. That's just too much paperwork for me. Also I absolutely hate loud noises and being loud." I told her. Everyone looked at me in surprise except Sasu and Saku.

Sakura and Sasuke looked at them and laughed.

"Its okay. You guys will realize the truth about us. Soon? Maybe?" Sakura says questioning herself. Then she shrugged her shoulders. Which made me laugh at her. She ended up pouting towards me.

The group looked at us. While Sasuke just stared at the food. He pouted because he had to continue waiting. Sakura patted his back while laughing.

"Its okay Sasu. The food will be done shortly." She tells him. He pouted even more.

"Its taking forever." He mutters under his breath. Everyone sweat dropped while Sakura and I laughed at him.

"Children." We heard and Sakura and I looked up. There was Kakashi and the other Sensei's. Kakashi was chuckling under his breath.

"Oh hey Kashi. Care to join us?" I asked him. He smiled and we scooted over for him. He sat down. The other Sensei's also joining us.

"So Kashi? What's our next mission?" We asked him. He smiled while answering.

"We have another A ranked mission. We have to escort woman and her child to the sand village. They have a group after them. This group wants them because of the little girls ability." He explained to us. We nodded while everyone stared at us surprised.

"So Kakashi? Your team has already been taking high rank missions?" This guy with a cigarette in his mouth. I knew him as Asuma.

"Yeah. The hokage thought they were ready for it." Kashi said.

"Bullshit!!" The three of us yelled. Everyone looked at us. Kakashi sighed and looked down knowing the truth.

"The hokage hates us. He hates me, Sakura, Sasuke and even Kakashi. He wants us dead. So he has been sending on constant missions hoping we will die." I tell them. They looked really confused.

"Why would they want you guys dead. Expecially his son and student." Asuma questions.

"I'm not his fucking son!!" I yelled at him in anger. My eyes turned red as I growled. Which caused everyone to jump.

"Wha-at do you mean?" Kiba asked me. Kakashi, Sakura and Sasuke looked down.

"My mother Kushina Uzumaki cheated on Minato. She was drunk but fell in love with the guy later on. Minato found out the day my mom had me. Jiji saved the village that night protecting me and the village. He also died." I told them. I started tearing up but continued.

"Minato and Kushina took me home. They got into a huge fight. She then left me and Minato. She left to go to my real father. Forgetting I ever existed. Minato became abusive towards me. He sent me down to his basement. They both created new families. Both leaving me behind in the end. They aren't my parents. We are not family. I have an amazing family but THEY are NOT part of it." I told them crying. Sakura, Sasuke and Kakashi hugged me.

"He hates us all. Not because of Naruto but because of what he did. He left me and my teammates behind. Which ended with both of them dying. Yet I survived which he didn't like. Simply because I reminded him of the past. So when I took care of Naru he got even more angry. Each time we came back he would raise the rank of the mission. Each time we came back." Kakashi said.

"He knows I still care. I still care about my brother. They were hoping I would long for revenge. Which would wipe out me and my brother. When he heard I wouldn't he grew furious." Sasuke said to them.

"He hates me because I knew the truth. Everyone claimed I was a civilian. Yet the truth was that those people weren't my parents. They abused me and hated me. They wanted perfect but I wasn't theirs. I was an orphan. My mom died protecting me while my dad ran. Ran to go get help. He never did get back to me in time. The hokage knew I had great power. So he hide the truth so no one knew. Yet I found out. Which made him mad wanting me dead too." Sakura told them.

Everyone grew really shocked by the news. We looked at them upset. Gai and his group looked really sad. Well except the girl and the hyuuga.

We all sighed until.

"Hell yes!! The food is done!!" Sasuke yells towards us.

We all started laughing at him. He blushed but started eating anyways.

We all finally started relaxing and eating.

Conversing among ourselves.

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