Chapter 32

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*Recap again*

"How are you guys here?" I asked them. Kurama laughs even more.

"Your the prophecy child." I hear someone say behind me. Kurama and everyone else looks surprised and happy. I slowly turned around and gasped in shock.

'There is no way. How is he here?'

-Back to Story-

"How are you here?" I asked the man. He just laughs in response.

"So you know who I am?" He asks me. I nodded my head a little shocked.

"Your the sage of six paths. The son of Kaguya the mother of chakra." I tell him and he nods his head.

"Your taking good care of my child Naruto. Thank you." He tells me and I smiled.

"They aren't monster nor beast. They are living beings like all of us. They don't deserve to be treated poorly. Nor do their holders. Yet everyone still treats them like they are garbage. Like they aren't worth anything at all. I want to change that. I want to help the innocent. Give them all somewhere to call home and be safe." I tell him confident. He nods his head thinking.

"You are very kind. You will be a very good leader. Yet you know. You are a mix of both my sons. Yet you have mine and my sons soul in you. While my other son is within Sasuke Uchiha. " He says before he waves his hand. Sasuke appearing before us both. He looks around shocked.

"Uhh hey Naru? Uh Sage of six paths?" He looks at us confused. Before seeing the beasts. Smiling and waving at them. The sage smiles at us both.

"Sakura was it? Your teammate. She is strong and smart. She too has a soul inside her. This soul is of a powerful woman. Mito Uzumaki and she has some chakra of a second personality. Two people in one body which are both her. Yet the both have their own chakra. Interesting." He says before waving his hand again. Sakura appearing before us. She sighs and walks to me and Sasuke.

"Hello sage." She says before she bows. He chuckles a bit before looking at us three.

"I have stuff to say to you three. I also have something to give you all. Something that will help you in the long run." He tells us. We all nodded our heads in agreement.

"So you all know what happened. The story of my mother and my family. Yes?" We all nodded our heads again. He smiles and nods.

"So, you all know what happened. My mother wasn't evil or cruel at first. Yet she became that latter on because of the lack of control in her power. My brother and I sent her to the moon. Later on she went back to normal. Changing back to her kind self. We later found out we had another brother. Zetsu was his name. After mother came back to earth. We got to know him. Later I died along with my brothers and my mother. My sons souls were in constant war with each other because a stupid decision I made in the past. Yet it ended with Hashirama and Madara. Then their mixed into two and split. Going into you both. The soul of Mito Uzumaki going into Sakura. Peace has not yet happened. Maybe it will never happen. Yet I ask of you three to try. Try for me and if not try for the world. For the innocent people who are caught up in the evil and wrong." He tells us. Looking down for a bit I give him a big smile.

"Of course we will. We don't want anyone to go through what we have. The lack of family, the lack of love. Always knowing pain and the lack of trust. No one should have to go through that. So we will keep on fighting!" I tell him. Sasuke and Sakura nodding their heads agreeing with me. He smiles at this.

"Immortality." He says to us. We looked at him confused.

"I want to make you all immortal. Yes I know about your loved ones. Which is why I will make them immortal as well. Just like I did to Madara, Tobirama and Hashirama. You will become immortal. If you all agree of course." He says to us.

"Who else will become immortal?" I asked him. Sasuke and Sakura nodding in agreement.

"Whoever you want. Just remember there is a limit." He tells me. I nodded my head.

"The Jinchruiki I want them to become immortal. That way Kurama and everyone will never have to have anyone else. Cause we treat them with kindness and respect. Like they are family. I also want to have Danzo, Haku and Zabuza." I tell him. He nods and waves his hand.

"Kakashi and his friends. Specifically Asuma, Kurenei, Yamato, Anko, Izumo,  Ibiki, Genma, Kotetsu, Gai and Iruka. Followed by the the three Sannin and their assistants. Aka Shizune and her pig." Sakura says. He nods again waving his hand. Then Sasuke comes up.

"The genin groups and the akatsuki. Aka Sai, Kiba and his partner Akamaru. Shino, Hinata, Neji, Ino, Tenten, Lee, Choji, and Shikamaru. Along with Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon. The Akatsuki being Konan, Itachi, Kisame, Nagato, Obito, Hidan, Kakazu, Deidera and Sasori." Sasuke says. He nods and waves his hand before making us immortal too.

"Okay to the next part." He tells us. We looked at him confused.

"I still have something to give you. You have a battle coming up don't you?" I looked shocked while Sasuke and Sakura looked confused.

"Naruto your gifts. I am giving you the ten tails jinchuriki and I also want to give you something else." A marking goes on my hand and I felt intense pain. After a while I stand up not feeling it anymore. Looking down I see another seal and a white glowing thing on my hand. I looked up.

"I also wanted to give you your Uzumaki ability. The chakra chains and chakra control. You have more chakra then you think. Yet you aren't able to control it all yet. So I want to give you the ability to do so. You also have the reinnigan. Lets not forget the ability over animals and nature." He says before doing what he said. Before he moved onto Sasuke.

"Sasuke. I am giving you this. Along with more chakra control. Your eyes I will give you this. Its called the Reinsharingan. Use it well. I will also give you the power of fire and lightning. Wielding it with out almost no chakra and no signs." He says before doing the same. Sasuke having a black glowing thing on his opposite hand. He then moves onto Sakura.

"And Sakura. I will give you this. These eyes are special. The sakura eyes they give you power over life and death. You can revive the dead only after a week of being dead. You can also control the living. Helping you in battle. You have amazing chakra control so I will give you this seal. Also the ability to fight along side your second half." He does what he said. Sakura smiling and thanks him.

"Kakashi will have full ability over his Sharingan." He says before waving his hand once more. Then he smiles.

"Good luck." He says before disappearing.

We all looked shocked. I looked at Kurama and them who also looked shocked.

'What just happened?'

We all then disappeared. Waking up in my room I looked around. Noticing that nothing changed since I fell asleep? Sighing I walked over to the bed and sat down. Looking to see if the marks were still there. Which they were. Sighing once more I grabbed the letters. Summoning some help. Three foxes appeared before me. I smiled and told them what to do. They agree and go to send the letters.

Afterwards I warn Onoki about it. Telling him to start writing his letter. He nods and agrees getting right to work with it. Smiling I leave and meet up with my family.

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