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based off an experience i had last week :(


you were sitting at your lunch table, your friend jae sitting down next to you. the cafeteria was loud, like normal, but today the noise just seemed different. you also kept zoning out all through lunch and would refuse to eat anything. you knew this wasn't normal, but you just didn't know how to stop it.

"y/n, you okay?" jae asked you, seeing as you kept staring at your food with a sad look on your face.

"honestly, i don't really know." you replied, your voice slightly shaky.

all of a sudden, you felt your heartbeat speed up so fast that you held your chest. the noise in the cafeteria raised to the point it felt as if it was ringing inside your ears. you could feel your legs start to physically shake while tears started forming in your eyes.

"j-jae?" your voice kept shaking as you tugged jae's shirt sleeve.

"y/n? what's wrong?" jae asked you worriedly, taking your hand carefully.

"i don't know..." your voice cracked, tears starting to spill over and the noise escalating more. "jae, i-i'm really scared."

luckily, jae (sadly) knew what was happening. "y/n, you're having a panic attack. just try to take some deep breaths, okay?" he told you, rubbing your back.

you tried to take a deep breath, but it only felt like someone was punching you in the stomach, which only caused more tears.

"y/n, do you want a hug?" jae asked sincerely.

you nodded, hugging him as your hands began to shake. "i wanna leave, i wanna go somewhere else." your voice kept cracking.

"we can't really go anywhere outside school, but would it feel better to go out to the hall?" jae asked you calmly. all you could do was nod so jae led you out to the hall, feeling bad by how much you were shaking. "hey, hey, what's wrong? is there anything you were worried about? what seems to be the matter?" jae asked.

"i-i don't know..." you responded, sounding defeated. then, before you knew it, the panic rose again, "oh my gosh, my legs, i feel like i'm gonna faint and th-the noise is too loud and my stomach hurts and i wanna go home and," you kept going on and on until you felt someone hug you.

jae was hugging you and rubbed your back slightly. "i know but please, try to take some deep breaths. i know it's scary but i don't want you to stay like this. can you try and think of something that calms you down?" he said worriedly, still hugging you and rubbing your back.

and oddly, as jae hugged you, you felt comfort. even as panicked as you were, you felt yourself calm down a little bit. you took a deep breath and hugged him back, holding onto him tightly.

the two of you stayed in the hall for a while, jae making sure you were feeling better. about 20 minutes later, you felt yourself going back to normal.

"are you feeling better?" jae asked, looking into your eyes, a partly worried expression on his face.

"y-yeah, that was just really scary..." you felt your voice trail off. "i think i'll be good to go back to class, i'm just kinda scared too."

"it's okay, we have science together, i can walk you there." he said, grabbing your hand and walking with you.

"hey, th-thanks for helping me through that." you slightly smiled, feeling embarrassed of how you acted.

jae noticed the expression on your face. "it's okay. and don't feel bad, we're only human, it happens."

that was hands down one of the scariest moments of my life and i needed someone like jae in that situation-

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