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Request from: @-tengosiete

Genre: Fluff

Sungjin had just arrived home from tour with his other members. As the five of them walked through the door, Sungjin sat on the couch, feeling a sigh of relief from their past busy months.

"Do you guys wanna go out and eat? I'm too lazy to cook." Younghyun suggested with a yawn.

The other members agreed but Sungjin stayed behind. His excuse was that he was tired, but he secretly stayed behind to contact you.

Once the members left he grabbed his phone and called you, overjoyed when you answered instantly.

"Babe? Are you back now?" You asked.

"Yes, yes I am!" Sungjin said to you happily. "Can you come over? It hasn't been the same hearing your voice over the phone for months."

"Are you sure you're not too tired?" You asked him.

"I'm not. Please come quickly, I miss you so much!" Sungjin begged.

"Okay, I'll be over soon. Bye!" You hung up, setting your phone in your pocket before putting your shoes on and heading out to your car.

Before driving to the boys' dorm you stopped at Burger King, knowing Sungjin was probably starving. Since you two had gone there a ton together already you knew what his normal order was. Once you received the food at the last window you started driving to the dorm.

You practically ran up to the door, not being able to hold your excitement in. You knocked on the door and it opened almost instantly, revealing Sungjin's smiling face.

"Babe! I missed you,"

Before you could finish your sentence Sungjin wrapped you in a tight hug, refusing to let go, and kissed your lips.

"I missed you, I missed you!" He cheered. "Please come in, its been so long since I've seen you."

"I've missed you too." You smiled, stepping inside and taking your shoes off.

You handed him the Burger King bag and the two of you sat down at the table, eating the food together. Sungjin kept looking at you, smiling shyly.

"What? Do I have food on my face?" You asked.

"No, I, I just can't believe you're finally here again." He chuckled, hugging you quickly.

Once the two of you had finished your food the two of you cuddled up on the couch under a large fluffy blanket, chatting and catching up with each other.

"My favorite show was the one we did in New York. The crowd was so hyped and there were so many fans." Sungjin said, his eyes sparkling at the thought.

"I'm so proud of you for getting so big recently." You smiled. "My favorite thing that happened when you were gone was probably when I puppy sat my friend's new dog. She's adorable." You grinned.

"Not as adorable as you." Sungjin tiredly yawned.

Your face blushed pink at the compliment. He hadn't said something like that in person to you for what felt like a million years.

The two of you cuddled even closer, you laying across Sungjin's chest as he hugged you close.

"I love you Sungjin." You said sweetly.

"I love you too, Y/n." He yawned, falling asleep.

You laughed lightly and soon fell asleep too, the two of you still cuddling while being completely knocked out.

The other members came home about 30 minutes later. They walked into the dorm to see the two of you still asleep on the couch.

Jae let out a small laugh. "They're cute."

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