29) soulmate thoughts

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This is based off those soulmate au's where you and your soulmate can hear each other's thoughts. To clear up some confusion, here's who's thoughts will be to who:

For Day6:
(Italic but with parentheses on the sides)

For you:
Italic but no parentheses

Now let's get started~

Jae was filming a video for Jaesix which caught your attention.

Hey, I think my friend watches that guy on YouTube. He's actually kind of funny.

Jae stops talking to the camera for a minute as he looks around awkwardly.

(What was that? I swore I heard someone complementing me...)

Crap! He can hear my thoughts?! No, this can't be happening!

Jae eventually finds you and smiles.

(Hey, she's actually really pretty)

You two met in a coffee shop while you were working your shift. You still hadn't found your soulmate so you couldn't help your heart from beating intensely when a cute customer came up to the counter.

Oh my gosh, he's kind of cute. Stop looking at him Y/n. You're gonna look like a creep! But he just looks so nice, wow

(Why thank you. You're a very pretty girl as well)

What! Did he just hear me?! I must be dreaming!

(Nope you're not. Oh, and Y/n is a very pretty name)

You were a trainee at jyp and was eating in the jyp cafeteria. You didn't notice Sungjin sitting a few tables over, but you did notice his thoughts.

(That girl is kind of cute. Should I talk to her? No, I wouldn't want to seem rude.)

You lifted your head from your food, trying to find the source of the sound you heard.

"Hey, did you hear anything?" You asked Sungjin.

Oh please don't tell me I'm going insane.

"Yes I did." Sungjin smiled as you realized what had happened. "I heard your thoughts."

You heard Wonpil's thoughts when you two were both in the library. You were searching through books when you started hearing the random stranger's thoughts.

(This looks really good! I guess I could check this out and then leave.)

Who is thinking that? Have I found my soulmate?

The two of you both stopped thinking. You pulled out a book from one of the large shelves in the library only to see Wonpil looking back at you coincidentally.

(Should I say hi? She's kind of pretty.)

No need to. I've already heard you. You thought back with a bright smile.

You two met in art class at school. You were working on a painting and Dowoon couldn't help but look over your shoulder in awe.

(Her painting is really pretty! She really is a good artist!)

The thoughts caught you by surprise as you looked behind yourself. There you found Dowoon standing there with a smile.

Oh, what should I say?

(Wait. Did you hear my thoughts?)

"I think I did." You beamed.

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