26) when you have a nightmare

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You're shaking and making some weird noise in your sleep which tells Jae that something is wrong. He quickly shakes your shoulder until you wake up terribly frightened. "Are you okay?" He urgently asks you.

"Yeah. J-just a nightmare." You stutter.

"It's okay. It's all in your head. Nothing's real." He comforted you until you fell back asleep.

You woke up frightened and started shaking him awake. He was annoyed at first since he hasn't gotten much sleep but his expression softened when he saw your panicked face. "C-can you check the closet? I think there's someone in there." You asked him worriedly.

"It's okay, it's all a dream. Nothing's in the closet." And with that he swung his arm around you until you fell asleep again.

He hasn't gotten sleep all night cause his mind wouldn't shut off. You woke up all of a sudden with tears streaming down your face you never knew you had. Sungjin notices and instantly hugs you. "Y-you wouldn't leave me, right?" You asked through a few tears.

"I would never leave you. I'm right here."

You wake up to him still hugging you tightly. You start to panic because of it which wakes him up eventually. "W-Wonpil. I'm s-scared." His peaceful expression drops as he hugs you closer in an attempt to calm you down.

"Please don't start crying. I don't wanna see your pretty face in tears."

You're about to wake up from your nightmare but you're at that stage of sleep where you know you're awake but can't wake yourself up. (This is what makes me oversleep on accident lmao) It scares Dowoon awake and he starts shaking your shoulder until you wake up. "What's wrong?" He urgently asks.

"I had a nightmare." You softly reply.

Dowoon pulls you into a big hug and cuddles you until you both fall asleep again.

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