younghyun (part 2)

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Genre: Fluff (I couldn't help it, I'm a sucker for fluff)


1 year later

"Why are you looking at Y/n like that?" Jae whispered at Younghyun in the library.

"Um, no reason." He responded, snapping out of his trance.

Jae smiled widely, knowing what had happened. "You like her, don't you?!" He excitedly said.

"What?! No I don't!" Younghyun blushed, pulling books off a shelf.

After the incident with you getting drunk a year ago, the two of you had lost touch. It became awkward for the two of you to even look at each other.

Your feelings for Younghyun had never left but it took a few months until Younghyun realized he also returned those feelings.

"Hey, you should ask her out to that party Jackson's hosting! Everyone's gonna be there and it'll be the biggest party of the summer!" Jae suggested.

"I don't know," Younghyun shook his head, putting the book in his hand back on its shelf. "I mean, I still have her number, but it'd be awkward to text her randomly for some stupid dance." He let out a sigh of defeat.

Jae stood for a minute, thinking. He caught Younghyun gazing at you again, a bright shade of pink across his face.

"Just go talk to her now!" Jae quietly exclaimed.

"No! Are you crazy?!"

But it was to late since Jae had already pushed Younghyun's back, forcing him towards you.

He stumbled over to you which made you look up from your book. "Younghyun?" You asked confused.

"Y/n, hi." He replied awkwardly. "Um, been a long time since we've, uh, talked, hasn't it?" He could feel his face beating up.

"Yeah, it has." You laughed. "How have you been?"

"Me? Oh, I-I've been good. How about you?"

"Oh, you know, pretty stressful like always, but today's been alright since I got to come here." You smiled.

"Well that's good." Younghyun said, getting ready to ask you to the party. "Hey, I was actually gonna ask you a question."


"Um, you know that big party Jackson's hosting? I was, uh, wondering if maybe you'd like to be my date?" He started talking under his breath, embarrassed of himself.

"Oh I'd love to go!" You replied happily.

"Great, I'll see you tonight then!"

that night

You arrived at the party in a cute summer dress, looking around for Younghyun.

You arrived at the party in a cute summer dress, looking around for Younghyun

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You spotted him and walked his way, tapping his shoulder. He turned around and saw you, a smile instantly spreading on his face.

"Y/n! I'm so glad you actually came!" He cheered, pulling you into a big hug.

"So, is this your new girlfriend?" Jackson asked with a laugh.

"No, just a one time date thing." Younghyun nervously said, wrapping his arm around your waist. But as he said that you felt a piece of your heart shatter.

As the night went on the two of you ate snacks, caught up, and met tons of new people.

After a while a slow song came on, cueing the slow dancing to start. Younghyun looked at you and held his hand out. "May I have this dance, Y/n?"

You laughed and blushed a little bit. "Of course."

And with that the two of you slow danced together. You never wanted it to end as the two of you danced song after song, but just like all things, it did have to end.

That night Younghyun offered to take you home, which you gladly accepted since it got dark quickly. He stopped in front of your house and walked you up to your front door before stopping you.

"Y/n, I know this has been the first time we've talked in years, but I don't think I want this to be a one time date thing. I was wondering if, you know, you'd like to be my girlfriend?" He asked shyly.

Your face lit up in joyful ness. "Yes I will!" You exclaimed, a bright grin spread across your face.

So it was official. The boy you accidentally confess to drunk did return your feelings.

It just took a year for him to figure it out.

I hope you liked it! Thanks for being patient as well, life is busy :(

Also this was lowkey rushed I'm sorry-

(Kind reminder that requests are open)

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