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request from the lovely @youngkspick 💗


i was sitting at my desk in my dorm room, hunched over the paper i was writing, my linguistics essay for college. i was a junior and was close to getting out of college. everything's been going the way i've planned my whole life. good grades, on the way to a good diploma, and no boys to get in the way.

"come on y/n, let's go to the bar!" my friend, and roommate, dahyun, begged me. she pulled on my arm, eventually forcing me up.

"fine, but only if i can come back in time to get my essay done." i groaned, getting my shoes and jacket on.

so the two of us were eventually in the bar. there was a band playing a gig and i noticed a few of the boys from around campus. they called themselves 'day6' and did covers of 60s rock songs mixed with some original music of their own.

i sat at a table for two with dahyun and was drinking a glass of beer while the band ended one of their songs. the bassist named brian, as it said on his name tag, started speaking to the crowd.

"that's an original song we wrote called what can i do." he smiled, his eyes closing happily. "the next song is also another original song called man in a movie. thanks again for listening to us tonight!" he confirmed while adjusting his fingers on his bass again.

the band started playing the song which was a happy little love song. i couldn't stop staring at the boy named brian. he noticed me gazing and winked at me which made my face go red. my heartbeat sped up and my palms became sweaty.

no, this can't be happening. i promised myself no boys and a good education. but frick. he was cute and cheerful and i couldn't help and gaze at him.

dahyun noticed me and a smirk crept onto her face. "oh, you like him, don't you? you know, they're hiring here. you should get a job so you can hang out more." she said, nudging my shoulder.

"no, i'm not getting a job here!" i refused, snapping out of my trance.

• time skip •

never mind. i got the job.

i kept going to the bar with dahyun just to see him and dahyun eventually forced me to get a job here. now it's my first day working a shift here and i'm super nervous. i was called in early to practice while the band tuned their instruments.

i kept messing up and spilling alcohol everywhere, i've never done anything like this before. in high school i always got jobs working at animal shelters which was no where close to dealing with food.

"need some help?" i heard a familiar voice laugh from behind me. i turned around to see brian standing behind me, his arms crossed cockily across his chest.

"y-yeah." i admitted, feeling myself blush. he walked over to me, taking the glass out of my hand, and showing the proper way to serve beer.

"you're doing it right, you're just nervous is all." he laughed. "you'll get better at it as you work more princess." he winked at me, going back to practicing.

princess. that nickname stayed with me the whole night i worked. when i looked over at the band my eyes instantly went to brian. every once in a while he'd look back at me and wink like he did when he helped me. and man did that tug at my heart.

whether i wanted to admit it or not, i definitely liked him and was slowly starting to gain a crush on him.

after both our shifts were over, brian stayed behind and helped me clean up the bar. while wiping down the tables, he helped me and made sure we got every one. as i headed out the door he was nice to enough to hold it open for me, giving me another charming smile as i walked past him.

"see you tomorrow at your next shift cutie." he ruffled my hair, then turned and walked away.

and at that my heart fully stopped. yes, i did like this boy. no. i-i think i loved him...?

"seungmin, you're such an idiot!" dahyun threw a fry at seungmins face.

"what?! all i said is memes are better than vine!" seungmin spat back.

"can you two both shut up?" i asked. "i'm trying to finish this paper i got for a class." i said, scribbling my thoughts onto my paper.

"y/n, it's lunch. we can be loud if we want."

"then i'll go sit alone for today." i stood up, walking away with my things. but as i turned i saw brian standing there, staring at me and my friends worriedly. i was confused as to what made him so sad but it's not like i had a chance to ask him. before i even took a step his way, he was running off.


that night at the bar the boys seemed off. not just brian, all of them.

"brian, i know you were planning on telling her tonight, but we can't let your feelings get in the way." sungjin told brian at practice hours, patting his back reassuringly.

all five of them were standing in that sad huddle for a while which made me nervous. i couldn't take it anymore, so i butted into their conversation. "hello? are you guys okay?" i worriedly asked.

brian turned around, looking at me sadly. "it's okay. it's not like you'd even say yes anyway. by what i saw at lunch you obviously have a boyfriend." he quietly said.

"seungmin?" i asked, holding in my laughter. but i couldn't, i lost it. "oh my gosh brian, seungmin is my friend! i would never date that ugly kid!" i said between laughs.

brian perked his head up, a surprised expression on his face. jae looked at brian, a smirk on his face.

"wanna go to the back of the shop and tell her now?" he asked brian.

"tell me what?" i asked confused.

"um, uh, come with me." brian grabbed my hand, leading me to the storage room in the back of the bar.

we stood there for a few quiet moments, brian twiddling his thumb and biting his lip due to nervousness.

"brian, is everything okay? you've seemed off all night,"

"i like you." he cut me off, looking into my eyes. his eyes were sparkling and he kept playing with his thumbs.

my heart stopped like it kept doing many times with him. "b-brian i,"

"it's okay if you don't feel the same way but i've liked you since the day you walked into the bar with your friend a-and i couldn't resist how pretty you are and when you got a job i couldn't help but grow a crush on you." he rambled through his long one sentence confession.

i looked at him in amazement. "i've felt the same way." i said, feeling happy tears come to my eyes.


as i was serving drinks that night, i stopped as i heard brian talk about one of their songs.

"th-this next song is about a girl." he said. the whole room became silent. "i... i grew a crush on her quickly and wrote this song, titled i like you, to help with my feelings for her." he smiled. "y/n," he turned to me. "this songs dedicated to you."

i felt the whole rooms eyes on me but i didn't care. the song they played was beautiful and i started crying in the middle of it. this was the first time in my life i've fallen in love. my first crush, first love.

and i chose a good one too.

i hope this was what you wanted! again, requests are open and i'll try to get to you guys as quick as i can but life gets busy sometimes. also, if anyone else wants another one, don't feel too shy to ask!

love you all💗💗💗

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